Sightings - Caerlaverock

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th February

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th February

Another changeable weather day with snow showers moving in.  Wader sightings remain good with over 60 Redshank on the Folly Pond together with a few Lapwing and Curlew.  Yesterday there were over 50 Golden Plover there too.  Wigeon and Teal numbers hav

14 February 2018

Latest Sightings - 10th February - Puddle Jumping begins!

Latest Sightings - 10th February - Puddle Jumping begins!

A very wet start to the day but it has now cleared up, the rain has stopped and there is blue sky showing! Plenty of waders in the flooded fields at the moment. Lapwing, Golden Plover, Curlew, Redshank & Black-tailed Godwit can be seen in the Corner F

10 February 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th February

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th February

Cool, crisp start to the morning with a load of frozen ponds and ice skating Whoopers!  Lovely flock of over 30 Linnets perched up in the very tree tops of a Sycamore down near Avenue Tower first thing.  They have a been a regular sighting there over th

7 February 2018

Latest Sightings - 3rd Feb - Otter & White-fronts

Latest Sightings - 3rd Feb - Otter & White-fronts

An Otter in the Whooper Pond at 08:30 this morning was a pleasant surprise, it fished for 20 minutes before disappearing into the Back Pond. The 8 Greenland White-fronted Geese are still here having gone missing yesterday morning. They reappeared yesterda

3 February 2018

Latest Sightings - 2nd Feb - World Wetlands Day

Latest Sightings - 2nd Feb - World Wetlands Day

No sign of the Greenland White-fronted Geese this morning, but they could still be here somewhere. A male Hen Harrier was hunting over the merse at 09:30 disturbing the ducks in the pools. Today is World Wetlands Day and in celebration, we have been build

2 February 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 1st February

Reserve Update Thursday 1st February

Again, the 8 Greenland White-fronted Geese have been seen first thing. They were once again feeding in Low Middle field with best views from the Avenue Tower.  They have since moved on but there exact location is yet to be determined (which is what ha

1 February 2018

Latest Sightings - 31st January - Greenland White-fronts still here

Latest Sightings - 31st January - Greenland White-fronts still here

The 8 Greenland White-fronted Geese are still here. They are currently feeding in a flooded part of Low Middle field, best views are from the Avenue Tower, but they can also be seen with a scope from the Farmhouse Tower and upstairs in the Peter Scott Ob

31 January 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th January - Busy Folly Pond

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th January - Busy Folly Pond

A very wet and windy start to the morning. The heavy rain means the Avenues are holding quite a lot of water. Wellies or decent boots are recommended for getting around. The paths do have a hard surface on the vehicle tracks, it is best to stick to the ha

27 January 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 25th January

Reserve Update Thursday 25th January

Teal Pond has lots of activity on this morning, Gadwall, Teal, Wigeon and a Little Grebe with a small flock of Barnacle Geese behind.  There are good numbers of Barnacle Geese in the fields, spread around in small flocks of a few hundred.  The hybrid Ba

25 January 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 24th January

Reserve Update Wednesday 24th January

Lots of aerial aerobatics going on today in the high winds!  Good numbers of duck remain on Flood Ground with over 500 Teal, 150 Wigeon, 21 Shoveler and 4 Pintail.  Pintail can also be found on Corner Field (which is rather water-logged) and Back Pond.

24 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 20th Jan

Latest Sightings - 20th Jan

A dry start to the day, and the forecast suggests a bit of sun later on. Wildfowl numbers are good at the moment, with Teal and Wigeon numbers building on the Flood Ground. We have had Hen Harriers and Otters causing disturbance over the past few days, s

20 January 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 18th January - Ice!

Reserve Update Thursday 18th January - Ice!

Rain, sleet, snow, ice and high winds....winter definitely has made it's presence felt this week!  There have been a few interesting sightings the past few days though.  Two Greenland white-fronted geese turned up yesterday, feeding in the meadow along

18 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 13th January

Latest Sightings - 13th January

A brighter morning on the reserve and the Flood Ground is busy with ducks and waders. A mother Otter with two cubs were on the Flood Ground yesterday, but there was no sign of them this morning. The female Greater Scaup is back on the Whooper Pond again.

13 January 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 10th January

Reserve Update Wednesday 10th January

Another murky morning which is making counts difficult and currently only Whooper Pond could be counted with any accuracy.  It did however mean that a large number of Whooper Swans were still present on their night time roost of the Folly Pond.  We esti

10 January 2018

Reserve Update 9th January

Reserve Update 9th January

A very cold, but sunny start to the day. It's rather icy in some places, so if you are visiting today be careful on your feet. Plenty of waders are present on Lochar Field, with 255 Lapwing and 500+ Golden Plover. 6 Little Egrets were on the flood ground,

9 January 2018