Sightings - Caerlaverock

Reserve Update Friday 5th January - still wet and now a little murky as well!

Reserve Update Friday 5th January - still wet and now a little murky as well!

The rain yesterday means that it is till very wet under foot on the reserve, but the ducks are loving it in the fields.  Large flocks of Wigeon and Teal are just about visible in the flooded fields around the Avenue Tower first thing joined by some of th

5 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 4th January - still wet

Latest Sightings - 4th January - still wet

A wet start to the day, on top of the flood water from yesterday means there is a lot of standing water around the reserve. Not as much grass for the geese, as the fields are flooded, so they are concentrated onto a few areas around the Avenue Tower and S

4 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 3rd January - tidal flooding!

Latest Sightings - 3rd January - tidal flooding!

We are open as normal today, but please take extra care on the roads. Wellies are highly recommended as there has been a lot of rain overnight. The major tidal flooding means many of the fields are underwater leaving little grass for the Barnacle Geese to

3 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 31st December - a windy start

Latest Sightings - 31st December - a windy start

Very windy on the reserve this morning, but we are open as normal. Extra care should be taken if you plan to visit today. The wind is forecast to drop this afternoon. There are great numbers of Barnacle Geese in the fields this morning. The wind means the

31 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 30th December - snow all gone

Latest Sightings - 30th December - snow all gone

The snow has all melted leaving the roads and paths just wet. The female Greater Scaup is still on the Whooper Pond along with very good numbers of other duck. The Folly Pond is also very busy today having thawed out overnight. Named Whooper Swan arrivals

30 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 29th December - snow and ice

Latest Sightings - 29th December - snow and ice

  A hard frost and then snow overnight has made the roads and paths a bit slippery this morning. The snow is starting to thaw, and it is now more like rain falling. Not had chance to get around the reserve yet, so this is more an update from the last

29 December 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 28th December

Reserve Update Thursday 28th December

With the current cold snap, the Whooper Swans have started returning to the Whooper Pond once more for the feeds.  Having said that, they were slightly reluctant to leave their roosting area on the Folly Pond first thing this morning!  The Back Pond and

28 December 2017

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th December

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th December

A lovely day after all the rain yesterday.  If you are visiting, it would be advisable to pack a pair of wellies as the path to Saltcot Merse Observatory is flooded. The female  Greater Scaup is still on Whooper Pond.  Whooper numbers are currently dow

26 December 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 23rd December - Another foggy start!

Reserve Update Saturday 23rd December - Another foggy start!

It's another foggy morning on the reserve but there is still plenty to see. The female  Greater Scaup was back on Whooper Pond first thing this morning.  If you are down, try playing the spot the scaup game as it is mixed in with the tufties!  There we

23 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 21st December - foggy start, Great Egret returns!

Latest Sightings - 21st December - foggy start, Great Egret returns!

It's another foggy morning on the reserve with visibility very limited at the moment. After going missing for a while the Great Egret was seen in its usual spot on the merse in front of the Saltcot Merse Observatory yesterday. Goose numbers had increased

21 December 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 16th December

Reserve Update Saturday 16th December

Another cold and crisp start to the day!  The Bewick's Swan has not been seen now since Tuesday but who knows with this cold snap it could draw more swans back onto the reserve.  Whooper Swan numbers peaked for this year on Tuesday afternoon with over 2

16 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 12th December - Bewick's Swan briefly this morning

Latest Sightings - 12th December - Bewick's Swan briefly this morning

  A Bewick's Swan arrived on the reserve yesterday and spent the day with the Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond. It was still here first thing this morning, but has since flown east. It could be with another flock of Whooper Swans near Thwaite and Ru

12 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 9th December - Swans on ice!

Latest Sightings - 9th December - Swans on ice!

Another cold and icy morning on the reserve, but the sun is shining! As many of the ponds are frozen, the Whooper Pond is the busiest with the swans breaking the ice. Newfield Hide is fantastic at the moment with plenty of Barnacle Geese, Pink-footed Gees

9 December 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 6th December

Reserve Update Wednesday 6th December

It was a good day to be down at Saltcot yesterday with cracking views of the Peregrine, male Hen Harrier, Merlin and the Great White Egret also returned.  There is another high tide today at lunch time and with the strong winds forecast this might see mo

6 December 2017

Latest Sightings- 4th December

Latest Sightings- 4th December

Yesterday morning was our monthly dawn flight, with terrific views at sunrise of around 10,000 Barnacle Geese and 20,000 Pink-footed Geese. Our next Dawn Flight is Sunday 7th January. A new pair of Whooper Swans arrived this morning, with 2 cygnets! Whoop

4 December 2017