Sightings - Caerlaverock

Reserve Update Friday 23rd March

Reserve Update Friday 23rd March

The Black-headed Gulls are still around on the Flood Ground, along with 5 Little Egrets this morning. There was also a good number of Golden Plover flying around, which eventually landed in low middle field to feed. The Whooper Swans are still around, wit

23 March 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 21st March

Reserve Update Wednesday 21st March

Spring is here!  Now admittedly there is still a bit of a chill breeze but we have observed our first Wheatear of the season yesterday afternoon.  It turned out to be a slightly strange day with a Bar-headed goose mixed in with the flock of Barnacle Gee

21 March 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 20th March

Reserve Update Tuesday 20th March

  A bright, sunny morning with plenty of birds singing and some starting to gather nesting materials. Several Linnets were heard singing down the Avenue, with the males starting to come into their summer plumage. No sign of the male Garganey this mor

20 March 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th March - Garganey again

Latest Sightings - Saturday 17th March - Garganey again

The drake Garganey is still on the Teal Pond this morning, but patience is required.  Patience is still required, and it is worth looking from upstairs in the Peter Scott Observatory first as it is sometimes only visible from there and not the Teal Pond

17 March 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 16th March - Garganey still here

Latest Sightings - Friday 16th March - Garganey still here

The drake Garganey is still on the Teal Pond this morning, but patience is required. We waited at least 40mins before it appeared today. This photo of the Garganey was taken yesterday, phone scoped by Reserve Warden Steve Cooper. Also on the Teal Pond,

16 March 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 15th March - Garganey!

Reserve Update Thursday 15th March - Garganey!

It was worth a walk around the Reserve this morning despite the bad weather.  Male Garganey on Teal Pond was the absolute highlight and probably one of the earliest spring arrival records for this species.  There are still Black-tailed Godwit, Redshank,

15 March 2018

Reserve Update Friday 9th March

Reserve Update Friday 9th March

Lots of male chaffinch's singing down the avenue this morning. A good number of Pintail on the Flood Ground, and several waders in Lochar Field. 2 Black-headed Gulls were on an island on the Flood Ground, possibly trying to claim nesting territory. Named

9 March 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 8th March

Reserve Update Thursday 8th March

The waders are returning to Folly Pond with 29 Redshank, 5 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 Curlew feeding around the edges this morning.  Duck numbers are dropping here but Teal and Wigeon can still be seen out in the flooded fields around the Peter Scott Obse

8 March 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th March

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th March

Well the Chaffinches have decided that we are back to Spring again and are in full voice down the Avenue.  They were joined by singing Goldfinch, a lovely flock of about twenty Linnet and a Treecreeper.  There are lots of Tufted ducks around at Whooper

7 March 2018

Update, Monday 5th March

Update, Monday 5th March

A Balmy 5C today, with the snow virtually gone (the Blackshaw approach road requires care close to the centre but is easily driven), resulting in "The Return of the Barnacle" - a good few thousand around today after a relative dearth over the snowy period

5 March 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 28th February- Very Snowy!

Reserve Update Wednesday 28th February- Very Snowy!

  A very snowy morning, with a blizzard going on outside right now. Folly Pond, Back Pond and Teal Pond are nearly completely frozen, so the majority of birds are on the Whooper Pond. A few images below of the reserve this morning. Image: Folly Pond

28 February 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 24th February

Latest Sightings - Saturday 24th February

Another brilliantly sunny start to the day, a light frost this morning which is melting quickly in the sun. A brisk north easterly wind keeping things fresh. Plenty of wildfowl on the ponds & fields, birds are singing down the Avenues. A Stoat was da

24 February 2018

Reserve Update Friday 23rd February

Reserve Update Friday 23rd February

Two lovely flocks of Yellowhammer and Goldfinch were seen down the avenue this morning. Teal Pond has more duck on than usual, including Wigeon, Teal and a Little Grebe. The Flood Ground has a good number of birds on, with two female Gooseander's feeding

23 February 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 22nd February

Reserve Update Thursday 22nd February

Today's weather is nice and sunny down on the reserve. The rest of the Wetland Bird Survey counts are below, with a large number of Dunlin and Knot present at the high tide on Sunday. There are a good number of swans around at the moment, with at least 17

22 February 2018

Reserve Update Sunday 18th February

Reserve Update Sunday 18th February

A wet start to the day, with the weather clearing up now. The Wetland Bird Survey takes place today, with some numbers for the inland ponds included below. There is a large number of Pintail on the flood ground, with a good mix of both females and males.

18 February 2018