Construction work is ongoing to replace the old footbridge to the reserve. An alternative route is available, but the Heron's Wing and Peter Scott hides will be closed until the work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience.


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Admission prices

Prices below are shown inclusive of Gift Aid and without. The Gift Aid admission price includes a voluntary donation, which enables us to claim the tax back as part of the Government's Gift Aid scheme.

Ticket With Gift Aid Without Gift Aid
Adult £11.25 £10.22
Junior (4-17 years) £7.25 £6.59
Family (2 adults and 2 children, 4-17 years) £31.30 £28.45
Concession (65+, full-time student and unemployed) £10.11 £9.19
Children (under 4 years) free free
Carers assisting disabled visitors
free free

For further information on Gift Aid visit the website.

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