Sightings - Slimbridge

An influx of wind-hovers

An influx of wind-hovers

We've seen an increase in the number of Kestrel on the reserve in recent days, presumably a locally fledged brood now exploring the big wide world

24 July 2022

Becoming a regular

Becoming a regular

The Caspian Tern was again on the reserve today, first on the estuary off Middle Point before moving to the Top New Piece, and making a brief stop at the South Lake

22 July 2022

Caspian Tern visits again

Caspian Tern visits again

The Caspian Tern has been seen flying north along the canal this morning, and then dropped in on the reserve around 12noon

21 July 2022

What a difference

What a difference

What a difference a day makes as temperatures drop more than 10 degrees

20 July 2022

No show from the scarce visitors

No show from the scarce visitors

No sighings of either the Pectoral Sandpiper or Caspian Tern through the day

19 July 2022

Caspian Tern and Pectoral Sandpiper on the Top New Piece today

Caspian Tern and Pectoral Sandpiper on the Top New Piece today

The hottest day of the year so far produced a few notable sightings

18 July 2022

Busy nesting Swallows

Busy nesting Swallows

Several pairs of Swallow have already completed their first brood, and are now busy setting up nests for their second

15 July 2022

Black-tailed Godwit flock increasing

Black-tailed Godwit flock increasing

The flock of Black-tailed Godwit has been increasing every day this week as birds arrive back from Iceland

14 July 2022

Spoonbills on tour

Spoonbills on tour

The two long-staying immature Spoonbills were touring the reserve this morning

13 July 2022

Summer ducks and waders

Summer ducks and waders

The broods of duckling broods are growing well, and many of our drake ducks are in eclipse plumage, whilst waders are returning for the autumn

12 July 2022

The heat is building up

The heat is building up

Another hot day and building temperatures through to the weekend. The waders are very mobile today as they move from scrape to scrape and to the estuary and back, some counts from this morning were as follows.South LakeSingle Black-tailed Godwit (150+ dro

11 July 2022

Weekend update

Weekend update

We've now entered what's forecast to be a long hot dry spell, day times temperatures are up in the high 20s to 30s, birding from the shaded hides is a great way to keep cool and enjoy the wildlife. We are juggling what little water is available at the mom

10 July 2022

Dunlin numbers creeping up daily

Dunlin numbers creeping up daily

Top New PieceA Bittern appeared stop the reeds below the Zeiss Hide after noon, at least 17 Dunlin were on the wet mud with a Green Sandpiper and 90 Lapwing, 8 Redshank, plus Sand and House Martins, Swallows and Swifts (as seen from Estuary Tower). Estu

7 July 2022

Returning Greenshanks

Returning Greenshanks

Two newly arrived Greenshanks, just past their best plumage arrived on the Top New Piece.

3 July 2022

Black-headed Gull breeding season beginning and ending

Black-headed Gull breeding season beginning and ending

The South Lake Black-headed Gull breeding season is largely coming to an end but some pairs are still building new nests

28 June 2022