Sightings - Slimbridge

Osprey seen again

Osprey seen again

An Osprey was seen again this morning, in flight low past the Kingfisher Hide

7 September 2022

Bluethroat and Black Terns

Bluethroat and Black Terns

The male Bluethroat reappeared at Middle Point this morning and was seen again at approx 2.15pm. An non-breeding plumage adult Black Tern flew downriver with a flock of terns, the mixed flock consisted mainly of Common Terns but at least one adutl Arctic

5 September 2022

Juvenile Little Stint dropped in

Juvenile Little Stint dropped in

A juvenile Little Stint dropped in to the Rushy this morning, and there are a great selection of other waders around the reserve too

2 September 2022

Winter ducks arriving

Winter ducks arriving

This week we've seen several Wigeon and the first Pintail of the season arrive, with Teal numbers also increasing

1 September 2022

Busy with waders

Busy with waders

The reserve is very busy with waders this weekend, including Knot, four Spotted Redshank and a Wood Sandpiper

29 August 2022

Get to grips with waders

Get to grips with waders

We've a great selection of waders on the reserve and across the estuary at present, with more to come as migration continues

25 August 2022

Guillemot still on the estuary

Guillemot still on the estuary

Yesterday's surprise Guillemot was still on the estuary today, sat in a tidal pool off Middle Point

22 August 2022

Guillemot on the Severn

Guillemot on the Severn

The biggest surprise today was finding a Guillemot on a sandbank just off Middle Point, we hadn't experienced any particularly windy weather and the bird, although disorientated appeared to be quite healthy. It spent between 0800-1400 in the same spot but

21 August 2022

Wetland Bird Survey Totals

Wetland Bird Survey Totals

August 2022 WeBS Count

16 August 2022

Rushy Cranes have lift off?

Rushy Cranes have lift off?

Over the weekend a trio of Cranes were seen to fly out of the Rushy, with no sightings today it seems the breeding pair and juvenile have flown out to the greater reserve or even beyond. Three our of the four chicks have been seen in flight so far, only t

7 August 2022

Curlew Sandpipers and Dunlin influx

Curlew Sandpipers and Dunlin influx

Top New PieceTwo breeding plumage Curlew Sandpipers (moulting) with increased flock number of 84 Dunlin plus calling Water Rail, 279 Black-tailed Godwit, 60 Lapwing, 28 Shoveler, 21 Teal, Ross"s Goose came in to drink with the Barnacle Geese.Rushy Hide/Pe

4 August 2022

What's the collective noun for Mandarin Duck?

What's the collective noun for Mandarin Duck?

This morning a flock of 24 Mandarin Duck were on the Decoy

29 July 2022

What would have Scott thought?

What would have Scott thought?

Looking out from the Scott House this morning, our founder Sir Peter Scott would have seen a whole host of birds he may never have imagined would be possible on the Rushy

28 July 2022

First juvenile Blackwit of the season

First juvenile Blackwit of the season

The first juvenile Black-tailed Godwit of the season was with the flock on the Tack Piece this morning

27 July 2022

Making hay

Making hay

The weather has been a little grey, windy and occasionally damp in the last few days, but the farmers are still out making hay when the sun does shine

25 July 2022