Sightings - Caerlaverock

Reserve Update - Saturday 17th December

Reserve Update - Saturday 17th December

Frosty start to the morning, meaning the Whooper Swans have been glad of their feed on the pond.  The cool morning has also seen the re-appearance of a pair of Yellowhammers in the Hawthorns on the way down to the Peter Scott Observatory.  The Drake A

17 December 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 15th December

Reserve Update Thursday 15th December

Another lovely morning, although the darker start seemed to confuse some of the Whooper Swans who were a little late leaving the Folly Pond to head over to the Whooper Pond.  Numbers of Whoopers are staying around the 150 mark with newcomers still arrivi

15 December 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th December

Reserve Update Wednesday 14th December

A cracking start to the morning with flights of curlew and barnacle geese illuminated by a stunning sunrise.  No sign of the American Wigeon so far to day but he flew in late yesterday afternoon and stayed to dusk.  The drake Green-winged Teal is at his

14 December 2016

Sightings 14/12/16

Sightings 14/12/16

A stunning morning on the reserve with perfect light for viewing the wildlife. Still good numbers of birds on the Folly pond with 130 Black-tailed Godwits and around 500 Wigeon. Some very big flocks of Barnacle Geese around the Avenue Tower in the morni

14 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 10th December - better visibility

Latest Sightings - 10th December - better visibility

A better morning on the reserve, the rain and mist has lifted to give good visibility. A few good flocks of Barnacle Geese around the Avenue Tower this morning. The Green-winged Teal is on the Folly Pond as usual, but we haven't seen the American Wigeon s

10 December 2016

Sightings 09/12/2016

Sightings 09/12/2016

A bit of a wet start to the day, however, a nice influx of Whooper Swans with 160 birds coming into the feed this morning. This gave us a chance to read some leg rings and 3 new birds were picked out. Orange YPJ & ZFJ were a new pair in with two cygne

9 December 2016

Sightings 08/12/16

Sightings 08/12/16

A very misty but mild day with some nice sunny spells. Still no sign of the drake American Wigeon and the bad visibility is not helping. The Eurasian Wigeon numbers seemed to have dropped so it could have moved off the reserve with them for the time bei

8 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 7th December - Otter!

Latest Sightings - 7th December - Otter!

Dull and windy this morning, but a bit warmer than it has been. No sign as yet of the drake American Wigeon, but it could be hiding somewhere on the reserve. The Eurasian Wigeon flock has split into a few smaller flocks, so it could be feeding anywhere o

7 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 6th December - American Wigeon still here

Latest Sightings - 6th December - American Wigeon still here

It's a cold and dull morning, but fantastic birds around. This drake American Wigeon turned up yesterday and is still present on the Folly Pond in amongst the Eurasian Wigeon. American Wigeon - Photo by Dan Gornall Th

6 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 3rd December - Christmas Fayre Tomorrow

Latest Sightings - 3rd December - Christmas Fayre Tomorrow

A brighter morning on the reserve. There is a huge flock of Whooper Swans in a field along the road to Brow Well, so keep an eye out as you drive in this morning. Join us tomorrow afternoon at our Christmas Fayre, 1-4pm. There will be a variety of festive

3 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 2nd December

Latest Sightings - 2nd December

Overcast and a bit dull this morning, but dry at the moment. Teal and Wigeon numbers are still quite good. The Whooper Swans are feeding in surrounding fields so numbers on the reserve have dropped a bit. 2 juvenile Greater Scaup are on the Whooper Pond w

2 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 29th November - Two Hen Harrier!

Latest Sightings - 29th November - Two Hen Harrier!

Cold and frosty again this morning, with most of the ponds frozen over. The drake Green-winged Teal is easy to spot as he is in the only patch of open water on the Folly Pond. Two male Hen Harriers are hunting over the merse this morning. Todays high tide

29 November 2016

Late update - Saturday 26th November

Late update - Saturday 26th November

Another bright and brisk start to the day with freezing overnight temperatures creating a winter wonderland scene on the reserve.  Not so good for the birds who have now been left with Whooper Pond as the only open water.   The cool temperatures have a

26 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Sunny again this morning, but the roads are icy and we have reports of a few accidents already so take care if you are heading our way. The frost and ice looks fantastic in the sun but it's causing a few difficulties for the birds as they skate around th

24 November 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

  A fantastic sunny and frosty morning on the reserve with the ducks  skating on the ice. Over 100 Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond first thing this morning. Two drake Green-winged Teal are currently on the Folly Pond, and were present on the res

23 November 2016