Sightings - Caerlaverock

Latest Sightings - 7th January - Fog! and lanterns...

Latest Sightings - 7th January - Fog! and lanterns...

Very poor visibility this morning as the reserve is covered by thick fog. Although it has started to lift in the last few minutes. We have our lantern making workshop on today, if you would like to make a dragonfly lantern for the Big Burn's Supper lante

7 January 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 5th January

Reserve Update Thursday 5th January

Brrrr.....bright, cold, frosty morning here first thing, wrap up warm if visiting!  The American Wigeon was recorded back on the Folly Pond yesterday afternoon but as the pool is iced over this morning there is no sign of it yet.  A good number of Whoop

5 January 2017

Late update, Monday Jan 2nd

Late update, Monday Jan 2nd

Another bright cold day, plenty of Whoopers (153) at the feeds, Water Rail under the feeders on The Peter Scott Trail with a handful of Tree Sparrows, Green-winged Teal on the Folly Pond (no sign yet of American Wigeon), male Hen Harrier quartering the me

2 January 2017

Sunday Jan 1st

Sunday Jan 1st

We'd like to wish all our readers a Happy New Year and apologise for the lateness of the post. Today we held the bird race, and the highest visitor was 53 species for the day. This faile narrowly to beat the warden's total of 60, though he (that's me!) m

1 January 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

Reserve Update Saturday 31st December - Drake Mandarin Duck??

It was a double take moment at the 11am Swan feed this morning, with the presence of a lovely drake Mandarin Duck joining the regulars on the Whooper Pond.  The American Wigeon has migrated back to the Folly Pond to join the Green-winged Teal.  Those vi

31 December 2016

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Reserve Update Friday 30th December - American Wigeon is back (again)

Yes, the American Wigeon has once again re-appeared...mixed in with the Eurasian Wigeon flock feeding on the Lochar field as seen from Avenue Tower.  They are joined by some of the Barnacle Geese, large numbers of Teal, Pintail, Golden Plover, Lapwing, S

30 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 28th December

Latest Sightings - 28th December

Another dry morning on the reserve. No sign yet of the American Wigeon, but there are huge numbers of Wigeon on site on the Folly Pond and especially at the Avenue Tower. Drake Green-winged Teal is on the Folly Pond. Yesterday a Kingfisher was fishing on

28 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 27th December - Sunshine!

Latest Sightings - 27th December - Sunshine!

A bright and sunny start to the day, with a fantastic orange sunrise. Yesterday's Otter could still be around, as the birds were very jumpy on the Whooper Pond this morning. Most of them were out of the water, and many of them were feeding off the reserve

27 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 26th December - OTTER on the Whooper Pond

Latest Sightings - 26th December - OTTER on the Whooper Pond

This OTTER is fishing on the Whooper Pond this morning. It moved on around 10am, but could still be somewhere on the reserve... We are open as normal today 10am - 5pm, but with a limited service in the café. Hot drinks and a selection of sweet treats se

26 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 24th December - a windy Christmas Eve!

Latest Sightings - 24th December - a windy Christmas Eve!

It's a dry but windy start to the day. After yesterday's rain, wellies are recommended for getting down the Avenues. The Green-winged Teal in on the Folly Pond and there are a lot of Wigeon around the site. The American Wigeon has not been seen yet, but i

24 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 23rd December - Wet and wild!

Latest Sightings - 23rd December - Wet and wild!

It's wet and wild today! Please take extra care if you plan to visit us. We will be open from 10am, but we will be assessing the wind conditions in relation to the Avenue trees and if conditions worsen only the Visitor Centre and Peter Scott Observatory w

23 December 2016

Latest Sightings - 22nd December - windy start

Latest Sightings - 22nd December - windy start

Windy start to the day, and the forecast is for it to strengthen tomorrow so please take care if you are planning to visit during the next few days. The drake Green-winged Teal and American Wigeon are both on the Folly Pond this morning. Todays high tide

22 December 2016

21/12/2016 - American Wigeon still

21/12/2016 - American Wigeon still

A bit of a wet and windy start to the day. However, the American Wigeon is still showing well on the flood ground, it is a bit easier to pick out here, spending some time away from the main flock out on the water. A drake Goosander was also fishing on he

21 December 2016

Reserve Update Tuesday 20th December - American Wigeon is Back!!

Reserve Update Tuesday 20th December - American Wigeon is Back!!

The Drake American Wigeon has once again returned to the site.  He was spotted yesterday feeding on the fringes of the Folly Pond with a flock of 700+ Eurasian Wigeon.  This morning he has moved down to the Flood Ground so best views are had from the Av

20 December 2016

Reserve update - Sunday December 18th, 12:00

Reserve update - Sunday December 18th, 12:00

A bonny bright day today. Plenty of Eurasian Wigeon but no American again so far. The Black-tailed Godwits are still at around 135, with a few Lapwing and Redshank dotted in. Water Rail remains quite confiding under the Peter Scott Trail feeders, along wi

18 December 2016