
Tree Sparrow Nesting

Tree Sparrow Nesting

After the disappointment earlier in the summer when the nestbox down the Avenue we thought had Tree Sparrows in turned out to have Great Tits, we have now discovered this week that the Tree Sparrows have successfully raised a brood in another box up towar

26 July 2019

Little Egret Making an Appearance

Little Egret Making an Appearance

We had three Little Egret fishing around Whopper Pond this morning. They were joined there by the Little Ringed Plover, and demonstrating that Autumn migration for waders is truly commencing, a flypast by 16 Curlews. Flocks of Linnet are being seen more

17 July 2019

Autumn wader migration underway

Autumn wader migration underway

Waders are already starting their Autumn migration, using WWT Caerlaverock as a stopping point on their journeys.Little Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit have been on the reserve this week, along with a number of Com

12 July 2019

Little Ringed Plover

Little Ringed Plover

The past couple of days have seen the appearance of a Little Ringed Plover on the Reserve. Yesterday on Folly Pond, today on a small sand bank on the left hand side of Whopper Pond. It is rather flighty and got disturbed early on by a Roe Deer munching

10 July 2019

Insects everywhere!

Insects everywhere!

With the sun shining and a light breeze, it's the perfect day to see insects on the reserve.The meadow and Summer Walk are particularly good at the moment with plenty of butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies to see amongst the wild flowers.High Tide: 15:5

6 July 2019

Wetland Explorers at Caerlaverock this summer

Wetland Explorers at Caerlaverock this summer

Families can take part in a variety of wild, watery adventures this school summer holidays.

2 July 2019

Green Sandpiper & Black-tailed Godwits - Wader passage has begun!

Green Sandpiper & Black-tailed Godwits - Wader passage has begun!

It seems Autumn wader passage has begun already with the first Black-tailed Godwits on the Folly Pond and a Green Sandpiper on the Whooper Pond first thing this morning. It flew, so could be on the Folly Pond or Flood Ground now.Plenty of butterflies out

29 June 2019

Common Blue Butterflies flying

Common Blue Butterflies flying

The first Common Blue Butterflies are now flying, a few have been seen along the River Walk yesterday.Four-spotted Chaser Dragonflies are also beginning to emerge from the ponds.The Swallows have hatched chicks in the Teal Pond hide. Enter slowly and sit

22 June 2019

Black-headed Gull chicks and Reed Warbler singing

Black-headed Gull chicks and Reed Warbler singing

More baby birds to report! The Black-headed Gull colony in the Flood Ground have begun hatching chicks. This morning there were at least 5 chicks on the rafts, hopefully with more to come. We will aim to keep the water levels up to deter predators and giv

19 June 2019

Shelduck Chicks

Shelduck Chicks

More baby birds to report! During yesterday's monthly Wetland Bird Survey a pair of Shelduck with 7 chicks were observed out on the Merse in front of the Saltcot Observatory. It also appears that the Oystercatchers on Folly Pond are once again sitting on

17 June 2019

Eclipse is Coming

Eclipse is Coming

No, this is not anything celestial related but the Autumn moult of duck species. Already the Mallard and the Shoveler are starting to look decidedly worn in appearance. It is a rather strange summer as we still seem to have small numbers of our winter d

15 June 2019

Baby Bird Bonanza

Baby Bird Bonanza

In addition to the juvenile birds mentioned in previous posts, yesterday we had our first sighting of a Tree Sparrow chick around the feeders in the Peter Scott Trail. We were also hoping for the flip flap of little Tree Sparrow wings down the Avenue bu

14 June 2019

Hedgerows in Bloom

Hedgerows in Bloom

While the Hawthorn may have finished flowering, the Dog and Guelder roses have taken over the mantle and are providing colour to the hedgerows down to the Peter Scott Observatory. The Hedgerows are also alive with the sound of young birds calling for the

13 June 2019



The sun is shining, there are young birds everywhere, dragonflies and butterflies are on the wildflowers. It's a perfect day for a visit!High Tide: 15:12, 9.2mOpening times:10am - 5pm every day except Christmas DayAround the reserve:WildflowersCuckoo Fl

6 June 2019

Orchids in the Meadow

Orchids in the Meadow

It looks set to be another good year for Orchids this summer. They are starting to appear up in the meadow with the Northern Marsh Orchids showing well. If you also happen to glance across the Flood Ground from the Campbell Hide or Avenue Tower then you

1 June 2019