
Goldfinches and Pintail

Goldfinches and Pintail

The Goldfinches and Chaffinches are absolutely loving the Meadowsweet seeds around the Reserve, particularly in the Wildlife Garden. We have seven Pintail that have turned up on our Folly Pond and are currently taking a nap mixed in with the large number

13 September 2019

Autumn Berries and Raptors

Autumn Berries and Raptors

The hedgerow down to the Peter Scott Observatory is looking great with the Guelder Rose, Dog Rose and Hawthorn all now with berries. Down to the Avenue there are still Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff singing with Goldcrests starting to make an appearance a

12 September 2019

Folly Pond Filling Up

Folly Pond Filling Up

This does not just refer to the recent weather and all the rain that has fallen but also the number of birds starting to congregate here. Teal numbers have jumped up to over the five hundred mark. The Shoveler are starting to return while there are stil

4 September 2019

Windy weather and big tides

Windy weather and big tides

The wind has now dropped so the Avenue and Summer Walk have reopened and the sun is shining!The high tide is at 13:47 and is a big one, with this wind behind it could be quite a spectacle. 500 Pintail, Shelduck and Dunlin were seen over the high tide yest

31 August 2019

Anniversary of the Paddock

Anniversary of the Paddock

It is two years since the Paddock project began - find out how it has has changed

23 August 2019

Teal are here

Teal are here

The ponds are filling with ducks, with both the Folly Pond and Flood Ground particularly good for Teal, Mallard and Shoveler.Black-tailed Godwits, Lapwing and Snipe are feeding around the edges, with House Martins and Swallows over the surface of the wate

22 August 2019

Autumn days

Autumn days

A windy start to the day, with rain expected later.Duck and wader numbers are increasing slowly with more Teal and Shoveler around. Pintail are expected any day now.Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit and Snipe can be seen around the Folly Pond and Flood Ground.

21 August 2019

Summer in the Garden

Summer in the Garden

An update by Caerlaverock Reserve Warden Rhiannon Hatfield, on the highlights of the wildlife garden this summer

19 August 2019

Good Weather for Ducks!

Good Weather for Ducks!

Well the weather really has thrown everything at us this week, though it is good that the forecast hail did not materialise in the end! We have closed the River Walk section of our Summer walk due to flooding and high tides. Please also bear in mind that

17 August 2019

It's a Wader Day

It's a Wader Day

There are two Green Sandpipers and a Ruff on Folly Pond this morning. They are joined on the pool by Snipe, Lapwing, a Black-tailed Godwit and a juvenile Shelduck. If you look closely in the photo of the Folly Pond taken this morning from the Scottish W

8 August 2019

A Charm of Goldfinches

A Charm of Goldfinches

With the Thistles now going to seed there are large flocks of Goldfinches around the reserve making use of this bounty. Up to twenty were seen down the Saltcot Loaning this morning. Another good spot to keep an eye out is along the Meadow and River Walk

7 August 2019

Where have all the moorhens gone?

Where have all the moorhens gone?

WWT Caerlaverock placement student, Catrin Eden, discusses the results of her research project on moorhens.

6 August 2019

Green Sandpiper and Swallows

Green Sandpiper and Swallows

A Green Sandpiper is still on the reserve having been chased off the Whooper Pond by Swallows first thing this morning. It could be on the Back Pond or Folly Pond now. Plenty of Snipe also on the Folly Pond with at least 8 in front of the Scottish Water H

3 August 2019

Marsh Harrier

Marsh Harrier

A female Marsh Harrier has been seen over the merse from Saltcot Merse Observatory this morning and at 16:30 yesterday it was flying over the Peter Scott Observatory.A Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper were on the Folly Pond yesterday and could still b

31 July 2019

Snipe on Folly Pond

Snipe on Folly Pond

Good views of Snipe on Folly Pond with a max count of 9 individuals. Obviously they are enjoying the rainy spell! The Green Sandpiper was back on the Whooper Pond briefly so it too is worth keeping your eyes peeled for that. The first of the Swallow br

27 July 2019