
Summer's sendoff

Summer's sendoff

The reserve is savouring the late summer season and autumn's approach. Wader numbers are increasing on the Folly and Whooper Ponds, House Martins & Swallows are gathering, feeding up the last few remaining chicks who will soon fledge. We will be saying go

28 August 2022

Massive moth & Wood sandpiper

Massive moth & Wood sandpiper

Convolvulus hawk moth & Wood sandpiper feature in the recent sightings highlights

19 August 2022

HIDE and seek

HIDE and seek

A round up of our remarkable reserve volunteers activities over this last month

12 August 2022

Seeing Green

Seeing Green

Greenshank & Green Sandpiper have been at the top of our recent sightings highlights

10 August 2022

Families flock to WWT Caerlaverock to become fully-fledged Wetland Rangers

Families flock to WWT Caerlaverock to become fully-fledged Wetland Rangers

Families looking for some fun with a difference this summer should head to Caerlaverock Wetland Centre where they can make it their mission to become fully-fledged Junior Wetland Rangers. Pick up a FREE trail card and set off for a full day of discovery

5 August 2022

Dragonfly Hotspot Transect Training

Dragonfly Hotspot Transect Training

Our reserve team together with Caerlaverock National Nature Reserve (Nature Scot) and British Dragonfly Society had some training on identifying some of the dragonfly & damselfly species that make WWT Caerlaverock a hotspot for them.Particular focus was g

29 July 2022

Spoonbills, Snipe & special Sparrows

Spoonbills, Snipe & special Sparrows

Spoonbills, Snipe and a leucistic House Sparrow are recent sighting highlights.

22 July 2022

Dragons & Damsels

Dragons & Damsels

We enjoyed a well attended event showcasing the dragonflies & damselflies that make Caerlaverock a hotspot for these brilliant insects. Led by Danielle Muir, and supported by Mike & Anne Abbs from the British Dragonfly Society, the weather & conditions al

15 July 2022

Swans sacrifice rest to squabble

Swans sacrifice rest to squabble

Swans give up resting time to fight over the best feeding spots, new research by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) and the University of Exeter shows.

11 July 2022

Saltcot Observatory Eco Art Installation

Saltcot Observatory Eco Art Installation

An eco art installation produced by the For Enjoyment community and commissioned by D&G Eco Warriors is now showcased in our Saltcot Merse Observatory.

8 July 2022

Osprey & Garganey

Osprey & Garganey

The other week, a drake Garganey in eclipse (moult) was seen on the Folly pond by our guide in the hide Fiona. It was spotted again the following day but seems to have moved elsewhere since.The Garganey is a small dabbling duck, slightly larger than a Tea

1 July 2022

Great Egret-spectations

Great Egret-spectations

A Great white egret has graced our reserve with its presence.

17 June 2022

Ringing in the Season

Ringing in the Season

Our reserve team ring some of our Tree Sparrow & Kestrel chicks

10 June 2022

National Volunteers Week

National Volunteers Week

A time to say thank you

4 June 2022

New Life Emerging

New Life Emerging

As the spring season continues, we welcome the arrival of young animals and the progression of several species' life cycles

27 May 2022