
A Whooper with distinction

A Whooper with distinction

U75 came in during the 2005/06 season and was ringed in January 2006 during the swan catch. He was a very small adult male weighing 8.4 kg and was seen on his own in 2005 through to 2008. In 2009 he came in with an unringed mate and a cygnet. The mate was

22 December 2022

Water Rails and Frosty Weather

Water Rails and Frosty Weather

As we approach the end of the year, it’s been pretty quiet at WWT Caerlaverock, especially when the big frost came. Everything was iced over for a week and there was a significant decline in waders and geese numbers (with zero barnies seen on the 12th o

21 December 2022

Winter comes to Caerlaverock

Winter comes to Caerlaverock

The first thing you notice when you step out of your car is the chill. If you’ve not put your gloves on already, you quickly pull them out of your pockets. After that, the thick cover of frost that hasn’t melted in days glistens at you and catches you

12 December 2022

Cetti's warbler, Hen harrier & named swans

Cetti's warbler, Hen harrier & named swans

A recent highlight here was that a Cetti's warbler was heard from the Sir Peter Scott trail. This is one of only a handful of sightings for this species in the region.Cetti's warblers are rich chestnut-brown above and grey below, with a pale throat. They

25 November 2022

Species spotlight - Little grebe

Species spotlight - Little grebe

The Little Grebe or ‘Dabchick’ is a common resident and winter migrant of the UK with around 16,000 individuals present each winter. Although they are common, Little Grebes are elusive. Opting to stay hidden amongst vegetation on the edges of lakes, p

23 November 2022

Marvellous migration

Marvellous migration

There's no mistaking that migration is an amazing natural phenomenon. As the Barnacle geese return to us each year from Spitspegen on the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago, we marvel at the journeys they and many other wildfowl take between winter and summer

19 October 2022

Bevies of Whoopers & Gaggles of Geese

Bevies of Whoopers & Gaggles of Geese

We are seeing larger numbers of our migratory wildfowl now. Our peak count for Whooper swans on the Whooper pond for this week was 38 although we probably had days this week with a total of 40+ on the site itself. More Barnacle geese seem to have made

16 October 2022

Harriers and more Barnacle geese

Harriers and more Barnacle geese

Our latest wetland bird survey showed we have 1,037 Barnacle geese in the area which were very active with a high number of those counted in the corner field which is next to the Folly. More species of duck seem to be cropping up to like Pintail and mo

10 October 2022

First Whooper swans arrive

First Whooper swans arrive

Autumn feels fully underway, we had our first Whooper swans back this week! The first one being spotted on the Folly pond on Tuesday morning. This was then followed by another two individuals on Thursday afternoon. We’re not sure whether these are feral

2 October 2022

Geese Increase

Geese Increase

This last week Pink-footed have been the most numerous geese species on the reserve, with numbers in the thousands. We are keeping an eye on the Barnacle geese which are building in numbers, but more gradually with currently around a few hundred or so. Ot

25 September 2022

First Barnacle geese of the season

First Barnacle geese of the season

This week saw the return of the first flocks of Barnacle geese to our site, a very welcome sight (and sound). On Wednesday 14th September, around 134 were counted from our Avenue tower. There were also some Pink footed geese amongst them. We look forward

16 September 2022

Autumnal wetland wellbeing

Autumnal wetland wellbeing

Restore your wellbeing in our wetlands this autumn As autumn approaches, we welcome the change in season and opportunities to immerse ourselves within the wetland nature Caerlaverock has to offer. Making the most of quality time engaging all the sens

14 September 2022

A hill of Gibeagan

A hill of Gibeagan

The inclement weather earlier on in the week brought in a flock of curlew to the folly pond along with increased numbers of lapwing all escaping the harsher weather out in the Merse. They joined the snipe, black-tailed godwit (collective nouns for which i

11 September 2022

Ruff, Greenshank & Godwits

Ruff, Greenshank & Godwits

The lowering of the water levels in the Folly Pond and whooper pond continue to offer really good mud for feeding waders. So the Black-tailed godwits have been very entertaining to watch and have been joined by a supporting cast of Greenshank, Snipe and a

3 September 2022

Fond Farewells and Warm Welcomes

Fond Farewells and Warm Welcomes

Placement students are an integral part of our team. Whilst it is sad to say farewell to our recent graduates, we look forward to welcoming our new recruits.

31 August 2022