
Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Ron Barker hide; not only has a male kingfisher been spotted there, but so have two juveniles! Five recently fledged stonechats have also been seen from Ron Barker, and our tawny owl is occasionally seen in the trees nearby alon

31 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week in the reserve, with highlights from across the different bird groups.Hobby activity has been increasing, with sightings most days this week, as they swoop and dive catching dragonflies over the waterbodies. In terms of owls, the b

27 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Our bittern has been heard booming once again from near Harrier Hide, and a great crested grebe can be seen from the lake Harrier Hide overlooks. 9 avocet nests can be seen from Tomlinson Hide. There has been lots of activity at Rees hide today, as a wood

21 May 2024

Bittern booming and avocet chicks

Bittern booming and avocet chicks

BOOM!! We have a Bittern booming in the Reedbed. They are here every year but fingers crossed we have a lady Bittern this year!! All the hard work from the volunteers and the reserve team over the winter has paid off!! Photo of a bittern in flight y

14 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This weeks warm weather has allowed us to perform surveys on the various birds across site, including our monthly Wetland Bird Survey!Other highlights of the weekend include a bittern, which was heard booming on Saturday, and flying over the Reedbed Walk

13 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week with lots of different chicks all over the reserve. On the mere we have shelduck ducklings as well as the first black-headed gull chicks on the islands. Look out for these little bundles of fluff amongst the vegetation. The blue ti

9 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The main highlight over the weekend has been the arrival of garganey on site. A pair was sighted at Ron Barker on Thursday as well as one of our reserve team spotting another pair on Doehyles on the same day. A male has also been seen on Tuesday again fro

7 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The back of the mere has been very busy this week: 5 avocets, 2 common terns, 2 oystercatchers, a little egret, a cattle egret, and 1 lapwing were all seen just yesterday! From United Utilities hide 3 dunlin and 2 little ringed plover have been spotted, a

3 May 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It been a busy few days, as the results from the first breeding bird survey of the year have been tallied up! In other news, the odd common sandpiper have been seen daily on the mere over the past week, and a wood sandpiper was spotted from United Utilite

30 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

As the weeks sunny weather continues, the site is becoming more summery every day. Look out for the rising numbers of mallard ducklings near Discovery hide and further afield, and the moorhen and coot broods within the captive enclosures!Excitingly 3 comm

24 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The nice weather over the weekend seems to have coincided with the emergence of lots of our lovely invertebrate species, as the wildflowers continue to bloom. Bees can be heard buzzing round the hawthorn blossom near Harrier Hide, as well as round the ree

22 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Its been a busy week on the reserve for birds! As spring is in full swing, warbler activity has been on the up, with reports of grasshopper warblers, reed warblers, and sedge warblers, alongside the cetti's warblers in the reedbed. Blackcaps have also bee

19 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Despite the stormy weather, spring is in full swing on the reserve, with blooms of wildflowers such as green alkanet, herb robert, lesser celadine, red campion, colts foot and cowslip lining the paths around the nature trail. Lots of birds have also began

15 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

This week we undertook our latest monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) count. Here are our results:Wigeon 17Gadwall 9Teal 47Mallard 483Pintail 10Shoveler 135Pochard 11Tufted Duck 13Mute Swan 2Whooper Swan 5Shelduck 105Greylag Goose 67Canada Goose 57Pink-foo

8 April 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Blue tits, great tits, and goldfinches are still showing well at Janet Kear hide, and lots of willow warblers have been heard singing all along the nature trail. 6 Med gulls can be seen from Discovery hide, and so can some tufted ducks and lots of nesting

4 April 2024