Visitor Centre and Reserve Closed

The centre and reserve will be closed for the remainder of the day (Friday 20/09/24) due to no running water on site resulting from a burst water main. Open as normal from 9.00am on Saturday 21/09/24.


Close alert

WeBS Count 13 Feb 17

Great Crested Grebe 1
Cormorant 2
Great White Egret 1
Grey Heron 6
Mute Swan 32
Bewick's Swan 91
Whooper Swan 88
Greylag 75
Canada Goose 3
Shelduck 6
Wigeon 4743
Teal 516
Mallard 670
Pintail 72
Shoveler 92
Pochard 555
Tufted Duck 74
Moorhen 9
Coot 615
Lapwing 674
Ruff 2
Snipe 6
Black-tailed Godwit 1050
Curlew 3
Redshank 2
Black Headed Gull 51
Marsh Harrier 2
Hen Harrier 1
Buzzard 1
Skylark 3
Fieldfare 34
Starling 52

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