Welney news

Iceland calls to Welney whooper swans

Iceland calls to Welney whooper swans

Whooper swans hatched from injured, resident birds on our wetlands have been recorded migrating north towards Iceland for the first time.

16 July 2019

The chips are down! Miracle birds hatched from ‘muddy potato’ eggs return thousands of miles to rearing site

The chips are down! Miracle birds hatched from ‘muddy potato’ eggs return thousands of miles to rearing site

Rare black-tailed godwits head-reared at WWT Welney after their eggs were freed from muddy farmland have flown thousands of miles home for summer.

23 May 2019

Photographer David Phillips features in the gallery this May & June

Photographer David Phillips features in the gallery this May & June

Throughout May and June the gallery is alive with colourful photographs taken by David Phillips.

17 May 2019

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this March & April

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this March & April

Throughout July and August the gallery is alive with colourful, creative artwork by Gill McCoy.

1 March 2019

Festival of Swans

Festival of Swans

The Festival of Swans weekend was a fantastic success with hundreds of people enjoying our wetland reserve and the special activities we had available. Special guest, Mike Dilger, joined a panel of speakers talking about Bewick's swans.

28 January 2019

Tasty October lunches

Tasty October lunches

Planning a visit this October?  Fantastic wildlife spectacles await on the reserve as our wintering swans and ducks return, the autumnal highlight of cranes gathering to forage and the last of the summer's dragonflies still on the wing.  With all this e

28 September 2018

Water supply update

Water supply update

**Important information - Monday 24 Spetember - Our water supply has come back on as of 4.45pm, so we intend to open as normal and resume normal service in the morning - we will post an update tomorrow as early as possible if this is not the case. 

24 September 2018

Pallid harrier and water supply update

Pallid harrier and water supply update

Today we are experiencing problems with out water supply, so facilities within the visitor cente are limited, but access to the reserve is open and will be open until 5pm today (last admissions at 4.30pm). Pallid harrier - 1 from Lyle hide at 11.40am Whoo

24 September 2018

Pallid Harrier

Pallid Harrier

Pallid harrier by Paul Nobbs A juvenile pallid harrier has been giving great views to visitors on the reserve since the weekend.  This particularly showy individual has been watched travelling the length of the reser

18 September 2018

Endangered beetle hides out at WWT Welney

Endangered beetle hides out at WWT Welney

Tansy beetle by Andy Brown     . The Tansy beetle was thought to exist at just two sites in the UK, but has now been recorded for the first time in Norfolk, at the Welney Wetland Centre. It may be one of the small

17 September 2018

Back to the beginning for family visit

Back to the beginning for family visit

  The family of Josh Scott, first warden of WWT Welney back in 1970, made a return visit to the reserve for a chance to all see one another, some meeting for the first time.  It was also an opportunity to reconnect with the family history. Josh Sco

14 August 2018

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this July & August

Artist Gill McCoy features in the gallery this July & August

Throughout July and August the gallery is alive with colourful, creative artwork by Gill McCoy. Gill currently works at WWT Welney, and you may well see her as you are welcomed to the centre on a visit. Gill’s collection depicts many different species,

1 July 2018

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby tailed wasp by Kim Tarsey There are some real jewels to be found on the reserve at the moment including these ruby-tailed wasps. They aren't the largest wasp at only 1cm long but they make up for that with their

24 June 2018

A tale of triumph! Hand-reared godwits survive odds to fly the nest.

A tale of triumph! Hand-reared godwits survive odds to fly the nest.

21 black-tailed godwits were released in the Cambridgeshire Fens after being hand-reared by conservationists at WWT Welney. Many of the birds released today were not expected to hatch due to the terrible condition of the eggs as a result of the late spr

20 June 2018

Rare eggs hatch after spring flooding rescue

Rare eggs hatch after spring flooding rescue

A total of 15 godwit eggs rescued from muddy farmland in East Anglia have hatched successfully so far. Conservationists, trying to protect the rare black-tailed godwit, teamed up with local farmers to save the eggs, which were found in poor condition due

25 May 2018