Visitor Centre and Reserve Closed

The centre and reserve will be closed for the remainder of the day (Friday 20/09/24) due to no running water on site resulting from a burst water main. Open as normal from 9.00am on Saturday 21/09/24.


Close alert

Welney news

Black-winged stilts hatch chicks for first time at WWT Welney

Black-winged stilts hatch chicks for first time at WWT Welney

Black-winged stilt pair with chick For the first time ever a pair of unusual wading birds, black-winged stilts, have chosen to breed on the reserve at WWT Welney Wetland Centre. This species of bird has been a vagrant

31 May 2017

Where do the waders go?

Where do the waders go?

Greenshank by Ann Karin Gaasland Each season brings us different birds to see on the reserve, some travelling North from Southern Europe and Africa to spend the summer with us and some travelling South from Northern E

29 May 2017

First chicks mark fresh future for rare fenland wading bird

First chicks mark fresh future for rare fenland wading bird

In a UK first, 26 fluffy black-tailed godwit chicks have been hatched by conservationists in the Fens this week. The rare chicks will be hand-reared until they are strong enough to be released back into the wild. Black-tai

12 May 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Black-tailed godwit Pochard Teal Avocet Gadwall Shoveler Dunlin -2 Little ringed plover - 8 Lapwing Redshank Mallard Pied Wagtail Common sandpiper Swallow Tree sparrow -4 Ruff - 2 Swift

8 May 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

2 Black-winged stilt - Lady Fen, directly in front of the visitor centre Garganey - Friends Hide 3 Great white egret - 2 at Friends Hide, 1 at Reedbed Hide 2 Ringed plover - Lady Fen 3 Wheatear Corn bunting Cuckoo Dunlin Redshank Lapwing Swallow House mar

30 April 2017

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spoonbill by Ray Mathias Spring migrants are passing through and dropping in at quite a pace now.  This spoonbill was on site for two days this week resting and feeding up on our wetlands.  Its distinctive flattened

28 April 2017

Spring migrants - wheatear

Spring migrants - wheatear

Wheatear by Bob Ellis A #Spring Special at WWT Welney, the wheatear; freshly arrived after spending their winter in Africa. These beautiful birds are often seen on the ground looking for insects to feed on, keep you e

27 April 2017

Full of the joys of spring

Full of the joys of spring

Cow and yellow wagtail/WWT Spring is a time of year to be celebrated as an incredible array of wildlife returns to the UK for summer or emerges from their winter hideaways.  The race is then on to find a mate and pro

27 April 2017

9-11 May Gift shop closed for stock take

9-11 May Gift shop closed for stock take

From Tuesday 9 - Thursday 11 May the gift shop within the visitor centre at WWT Welney will be closed for the annual stock take.  This will not affect admissions or entry to the reserve, and all other areas of the visitor centre such as the cafe, pond ro

26 April 2017

Main observatory works

Main observatory works

Aerial view of centre by Sky Vertical On Wednesday 26 April there will be works to the entrance of the main hide as we install the electric all-access door.  Access to the reserve will still be possible as well as to

25 April 2017



Kingfisher by Bob Ellis All winter we had a male kingfisher as a regular sighting, particularly on the ponds around our visitor centre.  This spring he has found a mate and they can regularly be seen from several of

21 April 2017

Great white egrets

Great white egrets

Great white egret by David Owen Great white egrets are head and shoulders....and body above the little egrets. Look out for them on the pools and ditches throughout the reserve. This afternoon (Thurs 20 April) we had

20 April 2017

Robin chicks hatching

Robin chicks hatching

Robin chick Awww look at it's....'HAIR'!!! This newly hatched chick is sporting an impressive head of 'hair', some might say it is a baby only a mother could love.  This was the first robin chick to have hatched in t

13 April 2017

Bearded tits in the reeds

Bearded tits in the reeds

Bearded tit by David Bradley Bearded tits have been spotted recently in the reed beds in front of our hides... It's always worth sitting and waiting to see what comes along....or what might be already sneaking through

27 March 2017

Insects become more active

Insects become more active

Green socks peacock beetle by Kim Tarsey The insect activity is starting to pick up on the reserve, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled when walking along the footpaths, and not just for birds!! These images are of

24 March 2017