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The Pink-footed geese are still present in considerable numbers, now counted at 3200 and can be seen throughout the day flying into the pools at Ron Barker or Plover field next to the rees hide.Today a Russian White-fronted Goose was on the mere it flew i

16 September 2024

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Latest Sightings

Despite heavy showers over the last couple of days an influx in Pink Footed Geese activity continues with 1000+ being seen over the site. A good place to catch a view of them is from the discovery hide. They can often be seen at the back of the main mere.

12 September 2024

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Latest Sightings

We had a unique visitor on Friday—the Ruddy Shelduck—a species that has only been seen once this year. 2 Ruddy Shelducks were spotted early Friday morning, with no reported sightings thereafter.We also observed 17 Cattle Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 10 Cormor

9 September 2024

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Latest Sightings

It has been a partly sunny week with scattered showers. More than 300 Black Tailed Godwits and 200 Lapwings have been sighted this Tuesday.Also seen were 50 Snipe, 7 Ruff, 2 Little Ringed Plovers and a Sparrowhawk. The Bittern has been spotted at Ron Bark

5 September 2024

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Latest Sightings

We've had a busy, sunny weekend followed by a rainy Monday morning, and it should be warm weather this week. On Friday, 17 Pink Footed Geese were seen from Gordon Taylor hide, and 2 Curlew Sandpipers were seen from Rees hide.A Red Kite was spotted flying

2 September 2024

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Latest Sightings

It looks like it is going to be good weather today and over the next couple of days. Already, we have had lots of sightings.2 teal have been seen from our Discovery hide, along with Lapwings, Cormorants, and a transient visitor, the Pectoral Sandpiper, wh

29 August 2024

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On what started out as a very wet and blustery morning has now brightened up. Although still windy there is plenty of bird activity. At Ron Barker Hide there is a male and female Marsh Harrier hunting and feeding also a Buzzard. 4 Ruff and 2 Dunlin were a

22 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

Today, our reserve team carried out their monthly WeBS count, The Wetland Bird Survey, which monitors non-breeding waterbirds in the UK. These surveys help to produce national trends for internationally important species. Here is what we found:Wigeon 1Ga

19 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

Black-tailed Godwit numbers have increased to 388 seen at the back of the Mere today. 4 Ruff and 2 Snipe have also been seen at the back of the Mere from Discovery Hide. 13 Cattle Egrets and a little egret on the Mere. Stock doves were spotted from Ron B

15 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

A pair of marsh harriers were seen from the Bird Observatory this weekend, along with 2 black-tailed godwits, 4 cormorants, a male buzzard, a grey heron and 2 male shovelers. 17 cattle egrets have been spotted on the left hand side of the mere, along with

12 August 2024

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Of the rarities we have had in the past couple of days only the juvenile black-necked grebe is still on site and showing well on the main lake in the reedbed. The best places to see it from are either Harrier Hide or from the inner reedbed walk which lead

8 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy weekend at Martin Mere with three rarities on site.The first bird to arrive was a curlew sandpiper first seen on Woodend Marsh on Saturday morning and it has stuck around for a couple of days and is still on site as of Monday afternoon.

5 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

The young tawny owl is still showing very well on the path to Ron Barker. Have a good look around as it keeps moving from tree to tree and hiding well in the ivy so be patient. Our reserve team has put a sign out to indicate the rough area of where to loo

1 August 2024

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Latest Sightings

A young tawny owl can be seen exploring in the trees along the trail to Ron Barker hide while it grows its adult feathers; there is a new sign up on the path so you can see where to look for it. A common sandpiper has been seen at Discovery hide, where 4

30 July 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

After all the rain we have had it finally feels like summer at Martin Mere! The newly exposed mud at the back of the mere is still proving productive for waders with a large variety of species seen. The species list so far is lapwing, black-tailed godwit, avocet, green sandpiper, common sandpiper, redshank, dunlin, ruff, oystercatcher and ringed plover. The mud on Woodend Marsh and at Ron Barker hide is also proving good for waders as well. Elsewhere on site we now have 7 juvenile marsh harriers across the site. This includes the 4 juveniles that have fledged from the nests in Vinson's reedbed near Ron Barker and 3 that have fledged this week from a nest on the far side of the reserve at Doehyles. They are very active at the moment with the adults doing food passes on a regular basis. The reserves English longhorn cattle have been on the move again with the large herd now in the fields nearest to Ron Barker hide which is a good place to see cattle egret. Our other herd is now near to Woodend Marsh so there is a good chance to see cattle egret here too. A count earlier in the week saw 11 egrets with the large herd and 6 egrets on the mere so our numbers are hovering 16-20 individuals. Look out for the kestrel chicks near Long Meadow barn as well between Gordon Taylor and Tomlinson. A pair has nested behind the barn owl box in the barn and they are nearly ready to fledge so do look out for them in the coming days as well as the adult visiting regularly to bring in food.

26 July 2024