Latest sightings

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 17th October 2020

Skylark on the move, flying over the site heading West.

17 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 16th October 2020

Fieldfare feeding in the recently grazed field

16 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 15th October 2020

Pintail on the main lake and Redwing around the entrance area.

15 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2020

Steady movement of Redwing, finches and Meadow Pipit this morning.

14 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2020

Great White Egret and Bittern on the main lake.

13 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2020

Large movement of winter thrushes over the reserve this morning.

12 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2020

First Jack Snipe of the Autumn on the wader scrape.

11 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 10th October 2020

Water Rail calling from the reeds

10 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 9th October 2020

Merlin over the reserve along with Redwing and Yellow Wagtail

9 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 8th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 8th October 2020

Bittern showing well on main lake. Meadow Pipits and migrant Wood Pigeons feeding on the marsh in driving rain first thing

8 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 7th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 7th October 2020

House Martin on site before their big migration South

7 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 6th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 6th October 2020

Stonechats on the marsh, Redpoll and Firecrest around the entrance lake

6 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 5th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 5th October 2020

First Redwing over this morning, also a Bittern in flight and winter finches on the reserve

5 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2020

Good numbers of Common Snipe feeding in the rain.

4 October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 3rd October 2020

Wildlife sightings for 3rd October 2020

Pintail and Little Egret enjoying the wet weather this morning

3 October 2020