Latest sightings

Recent sightings 13th - 15th March

Recent sightings 13th - 15th March

Highlights include, Lapwing, Treecreeper and Red Kite

15 March 2019

Recent sightings 10th - 12th March

Recent sightings 10th - 12th March

Highlights include, Sparrowhawk, Jack's Snipe and Brambling.

12 March 2019

Recent sightings 6th - 9th March

Recent sightings 6th - 9th March

Highlights include, Sand Martins, Smew and Goldeneye.

9 March 2019

Recent sightings 28th Feb - 5th March

Recent sightings 28th Feb - 5th March

Highlights include Spoonbill, Goldeneye and Chiffchaff

5 March 2019

Recent sightings 23rd - 26th February

Recent sightings 23rd - 26th February

Highlights include, Chiffchaff, Smew and Red Admiral butterfly.

26 February 2019

Recent sightings 16th-19th February

Recent sightings 16th-19th February

A nice variety of birds seen recently, including Spoonbill, Avocet and Green Sandpiper.

19 February 2019

Recent Sightings 13th - 15th Feb

Recent Sightings 13th - 15th Feb

Highlights include, Goldeneye, Brimstone Butterfly and Lapwing displaying

15 February 2019

Recent sightings 8th - 12th Feb

Recent sightings 8th - 12th Feb

Highlights include, Spotted Redshank, Tawny Owl and Female Goldeneye.

12 February 2019

Recent sightings 2nd-7th February

Recent sightings 2nd-7th February

Highlights this week on the reserve include, Juvenile Goshawk, Pochard and regular sightings of the Otter

7 February 2019

Recent sightings 30th Jan - 1st Feb

Recent sightings 30th Jan - 1st Feb

Highlights include, Goshawk, Siskin and regular Otter sightings.

1 February 2019

Recent sightings 27th - 29th January

Recent sightings 27th - 29th January

Some great sightings of the Peregrine on Sunday morning hunting over deep water lake, and also some displays from Sparrowhawks over the trees North of the Welsh Water Hide.

29 January 2019

Recent sightings 23rd - 26th January

Recent sightings 23rd - 26th January

A large variety of birds have been seen from the British Steel hide recently.

27 January 2019

Recent sightings 12th - 15th January

Recent sightings 12th - 15th January

All the latest spots on our site.

15 January 2019

Recent sightings 8th - 11th January

Recent sightings 8th - 11th January

The otter continues to delight.

11 January 2019

Recent sightings 5th - 8th January

Recent sightings 5th - 8th January

Out on the estuary, pintail number in the hundreds.

9 January 2019