Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) 15/02/2021

A count of all the birds across the reserve. These counts are essential to gauge effects of flood water and management on the Washes.

Greylag goose - 6
Mute swan - 5
Bewick's swan - 16 (the majority are feeding out on the fields)
Whooper swan - 86
Shelduck - 6
Shoveler - 17
Gadwall - 34
Wigeon - 2403
Mallard - 352
Pintail - 13
Teal - 111
Pochard - 186
Tufted duck - 148
Goldeneye - 2
Grey heron - 3
Cattle egret - 4
Great egret - 1
Little egret - 1
Cormorant - 6
Moorhen - 14
Coot - 76
Crane - 8
Lapwing - 159
Golden plover - 80
Curlew - 2
Black-tailed godwit - 69
Dunlin - 3
Snipe - 19
Redshank - 10
Marsh harrier - 2
Sparrowhawk - 1
Buzzard - 4
Kestrel - 4
Kingfisher - 1
Barn owl - 1
Stonechat - 2
Meadow pipit - 5
Skylark - 4
Mistle thrush - 2
Fieldfare - 26
Linnet - 19
Cetti's warbler - 1
Jay - 1
Black-headed gull - 40
Common gull - 2
Lesser black-backed gull - 1

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