Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) 14/12/2020

A count of all the birds across the reserve.

Canada goose - 105
Greylag goose - 145
Mute swan - 26
Bewick's swan - 1
Whooper swan - 33
Shelduck = 2
Shoveler - 132
Gadwall - 45
Wigeon - 2984
Mallard - 468
Pintail - 112
Teal - 112
Pochard - 470
Tufted duck - 108
Scaup (female) - 1
Grey heron - 10
Cattle egret - 9
Great egret - 1
Little egret - 5
Cormorant - 11
Moorhen - 2
Coot - 164
Lapwing - 6049
Golden plover - 6000
Curlew - 8
Black-tailed godwit - 514
Dunlin - 25
Snipe - 4
Redshank - 5
Common gull - 11
Black-headed gull - 26
Lesser black-backed gull - 2
Greater black-backed gull - 1
Marsh harrier - 4 (12 into roost)
Buzzard - 5
Kestrel - 2
Stonechat - 7
Meadow pipit - 16
Skylark - 10
Mistle thrush - 1
Fieldfare - 110
Redwing - 3
Linnet - 25

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