WeBs Count for 21st January

Our monthly WeBs counts, or Wetland Bird Surveys to give them thier full name, are an important part of our winter monitoring. This gives us a snapshot of numbers of all bird species using the reserve.

Bewick's swans 17
Blackbird 8
Black-tailed godwit 953
Black-headed gull 59
Blue tit 7
Buzzard 2
Canada goose 75
Cattle egret 3
Cetti's warbler 1
Chaffinch 9
Collard dove 1
Coot 319
Cormorant 7
Crow 22
Dunlin 9
Dunnock 1
Fieldfare 86
Gadwall 145
Goldfinch 75
Great black-backed gull 1
Great tit 14
Great white egret 8
Great spotted woodpecker 1
Green woodpecker 3
Grey heron 6
Greylag goose 61
Jackdaw 7
Jay 1
Kestrel 7
Lapwing 760
Lesser black-backed gull 6
Linnet 235
Little egret 2
Magpie 13
Mallard 1924
Marsh harrier 6
Meadow pipit 95
Mistle thrush 1
Moorhen 9
Mute swan 42
Phesant 11
Pintail 405
Pochard 455
Red-legged partridge 9
Redshank 14
Redwing 21
Reed bunting 8
Robin 5
Ruff 2
Shelduck 13
Shoveler 298
Snipe 95
Starling 212
Stonechat 3
Teal 5253
Tufted duck 113
Water pipit 1
White-fronted geese 2
Whooper swan 328
Wigeon 5924
Woodpigeon 16
Wren 5
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