WeBS Count - 14/10/2019

First WeBS count of the season!

Great egret - 1
Cattle egret - 2
Little egret - 10
Grey heron - 4
Mute swan - 37
Whooper swan - 24
Egyptian goose - 5
Greylag goose - 295
Canada goose - 46
Eurasian wigeon - 529
Gadwall - 11
Eurasian teal - 735
Mallard - 317
Northern pintail - 1
Northern shoveler - 125
Tufted duck - 2
Water rail - 1
Common moorhen - 11
Common coot - 10
Great cormorant - 1
Northern lapwing - 208
Dunlin - 2
Ruff - 25
Common snipe - 26
Black-tailed godwit - 52
Common redshank - 8
Eurasian marsh harrier - 7
Common buzzard - 3
Common kestrel - 5
Black-headed gull - 12
Lesser black-backed gull - 1
Greater black-backed gull - 1
Pheasant - 9
Carrion crow - 4
Jackdaw - 6
Rook - 8
Magpie - 14
Wood pigeon - 10
Stock dove - 8
Green woodpecker - 1
Skylark - 24
Meadow pipit - 5
Stonechat - 1
Starling - 12
Cetti's warbler - 2
Redwing - 5

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