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We've seen another eight Bewick's Swans arrive this morning, bringing us to 21 birds on the pond

We've seen another eight Bewick's Swans arrive this morning, bringing us to 21 birds on the pond. Amongst the new arrivals our regulars Bybrook & Keynell, Maisie & Maifeld with two cygnets, and Croupie & Wheel with three cygnets.

Rushy Hide
It is nice to welcome the first families of Bewick's Swans to the feed this morning. Maisie & Maifeld arrived yesterday lunchtime with their two cygnets, whilst Croupie & Wheel arrived overnight or early this morning with their three cygnets. The latter family flew at this morning's feed, but quickly settled down again as they get used to the system. Also noted on the ponds were 44 Pochard, 44 Pintail, a drake Mandarin and the long-staying Avocet.

Estuary Tower
A flock of 14 White-fronted Geese were on the Dumbles this morning, along with a large flock of Canada Geese, 212 Barnacle Geese, the Ross's Goose and Snow Goose, and a few hybrids for good measure. Five Cranes were also present.

One of three Marsh Harrier seen this morning was buzzing the duck on the Long Ground Pool which included 124 Teal and 15 Shoveler. Also noted here were the Great Crested Grebe, a Little Egret and a Grey Heron.

Kingfisher Hide
Two White-fronted Geese were with the Canada Geese on the Bottom New Piece. A mixed flock of several hundred Golden Plover, Dunlin and Lapwing are also settling here when not disturbed by the Marsh Harrier.

Van de Bovenkamp Hide
At least ten White-fronted Geese were with the Greylag Geese in the Tin Shed field, but more could be hidden behind the hedge. Look inland over the South Finger Reedbed to view. Two Roe Deer were in the opposite direction on the Top New Piece.

Robbie Garnett Hide / Stephen Kirk Hide
The three Spotted Redshank remain on the Tack Piece, this morning with five Redshank. Also noted were 275 Teal, eight Snipe, 12 Dunlin, 13 Shoveler. A flock of 35 White-fronted Geese were on the field with 156 Canada Geese and 125 Greylag Geese.

Zeiss Hide
One of the Marsh Harrier was again flushing duck on the Top New Piece which included 236 Wigeon, 561 Teal, 12 Shoveler and four Pintail.

South Lake
Three Cattle Egret were warming up in the sun on the causeway. Birds on the wader scrape included 58 Black-tailed Godwit, 48 Dunlin, 400+ Lapwing and 54 Shoveler. A Kingfisher flew through.

Martin Smith Hide
A Water Rail was again on the islands. Duck on the pond included five Wigeon, five Teal and a Shoveler.

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