Sightings - Welney

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Green Sandpiper Kingfisher Snipe Marsh Harrier Peregrine Hobby Little Grebe Mallard Shelduck Sparrowhawk Redshank Ruff Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Swallow House Martin Whooper Swan Pied Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Starling Chaffinch

20 August 2017

Centre Access

Centre Access

Access to the centre is now fine. All roads are back open however the roads may still have signs saying they are closed, you can go past these signs.

19 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Whooper swan Greylag goose Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Gadwall Teal Garganey Moorhen Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Black-tailed godwit Snipe Little ringed plover Ringed plover Little egret Lapwing Black-headed gull Kingfisher House sparrow Tree sparrow G

19 August 2017

Access to the centre

Access to the centre

The Ten Mile Bank road to the centre is currently closed due to a burst water pipe. Access to the centre is via the Littleport Road, please go past the road closed sign on Suspension Bridge.

19 August 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Little egret Tree sparrow House sparrow Swallow Marsh harrier Whooper swan Shelduck Black-tailed godwit Greylag Common tern Cormorant Ringed plover Green sandpiper Yellow wagtail  

18 August 2017

Sightings Thursday 17th August

Sightings Thursday 17th August

After this mornings showers it has started to brighten up, all hides including to the Summer walk are open: Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Mallard Teal Little egret Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper Dunlin Green sandpiper Ruff M

17 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Sparrowhawk Swallow House Martin Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Cormorant Cranes x 4 Hobby Avocet Shelduck Black-tailed Godwit Little Egret Marsh Harrier Kestrel Yellow Wagtail Snipe

14 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Greenshank Cranes x4 Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Marsh Harrier Hobby Little Ringed Plover Swallow House Martin Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Peregrine Buzzard Yellow Wagtail

11 August 2017

Sightings Thursday 10th August

Sightings Thursday 10th August

After the rain of yesterday it is warm and Sunny here at Welney, all hides and Summer walk remain open. Sightings today: Greylag goose Mallard Teal Crane (4) Moorhen Avocet Black-tailed godwit Common Sandpiper Green sandpiper Greenshank Snipe House martin

10 August 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Wheatear-female at Friends hide Cranes x 4 Avocet Black-tailed godwit Snipe Redshank Lapwing Dunlin Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Coot Moorhen Little egret Kingfisher Cormorant Hobby Kestrel Marsh harrier Sparrowhawk Gadwall Shoveler Shelduck Wigeon Po

7 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Cranes x4 Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Grey Heron Little Egret Black-tailed Godwit Pied Wagtail Teal Peregrine Swallow Goldfinch House Martin Avocet Starling Green Sandpiper Garganey Kestrel Barn Owl Hobby Yellow Wagtail

6 August 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Whooper swan Mallard Shoveler Teal Gadwall Garganey Crane (x4) Moorhen Coot Little egret Avocet Redshank Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Snipe Black-tailed godwit Common tern Kingfisher Swallow House martin Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinch Chaffinch

5 August 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes x 4(2 ad +2juv) Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail Tree sparrow Starling House martin Swallow Stock dove Moorhen Coot Avocet x 9 Lapwing Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Snipe Grey heron Little egret Common tern x 3 Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Teal Gadwall

4 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Green Sandpiper x2 Shoveler Lapwing Avocet Swallow House Martin Whooper Swan Mute Swan Red-legged Partridge Yellow Wagtail Cranes x4 Marsh Harrier Common Sandpiper Common Tern Tree Sparrow House Sparrow Snipe Wigeon

3 August 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Snipe Avocet Black-tailed Godwits Ruff Green Sandpiper Whooper Swan Mute Swan Pochard Gadwall Shoveler Tree Sparrow Stock Dove Common Tern Yellow Wagtail Sand Martin Marsh Harrier Grey Heron

2 August 2017