Sightings - Slimbridge

Sightings for 8 January- highest Bewick's Swan count for the winter

Sightings for 8 January- highest Bewick's Swan count for the winter

Sightings of the long staying (wintering) birds have continued although the weather is now changing, a few dryer days have seen those floods drop a little with cold weather now with us, the forecast is for a dry, cold spell which may move a few more birds

8 January 2024

Highlights of 2023

Highlights of 2023

2023 wildlife review for WWT Slimbridge Reserve firsts * January We reached our peak count of 114 Bewick’s Swans on 20th, 127 Russian White-fronted Geese, 667 Black-tailed Godwit on 15th was notable, up to five different Goldeneye noted with the Sout

3 January 2024

Sightings for 2 and 3 January 2023- Otters

Sightings for 2 and 3 January 2023- Otters

Otters againThe female with two young was feeding in the South Finger Filtration beds and the South Finger Extension ditch, the were sighted from the viewing screen and Kingfisher Hide. Top New Piece1183 Teal, 140 Shoveler, 9 Pintail, c120 Wigeon, Cetti's

3 January 2024

New Years Day 2023 list

New Years Day 2023 list

New Year Day List for WWT Slimbridge83 species recorded today Mute SwanBewick’s SwanWhooper SwanRussian White-fronted GooseGreylagCanada GooseBarnacle GooseDark-bellied Brent GooseShelduckMallardGadwallPintailShovelerWigeonTealPochardTufted DuckGoldene

1 January 2024

Sightings for 30 December 2023

Sightings for 30 December 2023

Highlights today included the followingOystercatcher on the Dumbles, the first returning 'Spring' migrant today, back to claim a territorySouth Lake350 Dunlin, 494 Black-tailed Godwits, 8Tufted Duck, 5 Gadwall, 44Pochard, 19 Avocet, 147 Shoveler, 1000 Lap

30 December 2023

Sightings for 29 December

Sightings for 29 December

Highlights for today with selected counts where possible.Estuary TowerWhooper Swan pair visted the Bottom New Piece but moved to the Stall House Ground viewed from Estuary Tower. 15 Little and 3 Cattle Egret roosted on the Long Ground. 389 Curlew on the t

29 December 2023

Unseasonal Garganey and a Goosander

Unseasonal Garganey and a Goosander

Estuary TowerTwo Dark-bellied Brent (adult and a juvenile) on the foreshore, Peregrine + 143 Pintail (Severn), 355 Curlew, 53 GBB Gull, 230 Wigeon on the scrape and 150 on the Severn over high tide.Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryAt least 81 Bewick's Swans at

28 December 2023

December Wetland Bird Survey Counts and latest update

December Wetland Bird Survey Counts and latest update

Highlights for today Tuesday 19 December.Tack PieceA Grey Plover was among the Golden Plover flock at lunchtime, waders numbers built up rapidly after mid-morning, the Bewick's Swans moved here from other fields and the Rushy. 18 Russian White-fronted Gee

19 December 2023

Numbers building again after the cold spell

Numbers building again after the cold spell

The cold weather of last week and weekend had dispersed many of the wintering birds but they are returning to the site. The deluge day on Monday has seen water levels rise rapidly which creates feeding opportunities. The Tack Piece has been a main focus f

5 December 2023

Latest Bewick's Swan count

Latest Bewick's Swan count

Sunday 3 DecemberA dawn count of the Rushy revealed 73 Bewicks Swans, twelve cygnets with broods of 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 and 1. They headed out to the fields between the overflow car park and canal to feed for the day. The feeding flock was only viewable from

3 December 2023

Frost and Fog

Frost and Fog

The Rushy is buzzing with more Bewicks Swans arrivals overnight.

2 December 2023

Ringed Plovers, a late autumn record

Ringed Plovers, a late autumn record

Over high tide this morning two Ringed Plover appeared on the foreshore, this is unusual for late November, it may well be the same two seen in early November and they have remained in the estuary, perhaps they might try to overwinter. The Dumbles was aga

27 November 2023

Juvenile Brent and Pink-footed Goose make friends.

Juvenile Brent and Pink-footed Goose make friends.

A juvenile lone Brent Goose has teamed up with the Pink-footed Goose on the Tack PieceOther sightings as followsTack PieceTwo Little Stint among 800 Dunlin.Top New Piece from Zeiss HideA huge flock of 995 Black-tailed Godwit.

23 November 2023

The first Bewick's Swans of the 23/24 season arrive and a record count of Black-tailed Godwits

The first Bewick's Swans of the 23/24 season arrive and a record count of Black-tailed Godwits

Bewick's Swans at lastLast Thursday 16 November was the latest ever arrival date for Bewick's Swans at WWT Slimbridge. A family party of four flew in around midday and settled for rest on the Tack Piece flood. The pair, well known to us are Maisie and Mai

20 November 2023

Windblown birds

Windblown birds

We had very strong winds from early morning and it was gusting 40mph all day. A Dark-bellied Brent Goose was out on the foreshore with Canada Geese for company. A party of nine Kittiwake flew through NE over the high tide. Other sightings included the fol

13 November 2023