Sightings - Slimbridge

Wild Safaris are back!

Wild Safaris are back!

Our first Wild Safari events of the season ran today, with great views of wildlife across the reserve

20 May 2023



Our first Shelduck-lings of the year were seen today, with a brood of seven humbugs floating around with their parents

19 May 2023

Cuckoos and Kingfishers

Cuckoos and Kingfishers

The South Finger area was very busy with sightings this morning, from the Kingfisher Hide a couple of Cuckoos were chasing about and perching up along the channel trees, the Hawthorn May blossom looks great here at the moment. The Crane family from the To

17 May 2023

Glossy Ibis and Spoonbill

Glossy Ibis and Spoonbill

A couple of long legged new arrivals today

16 May 2023

White-spotted Bluethroat back on territory

White-spotted Bluethroat back on territory

The Bluethroat is back

14 May 2023

Mass Swift arrival and first Lapwing chicks of the year

Mass Swift arrival and first Lapwing chicks of the year

Swifts were much in evidence today

8 May 2023

White Stork sighting

White Stork sighting

An un-ringed White Stork circled the reserve over the Rushy at approx 2:15pm but gained height and flew North East toward Frampton on Severn, it was seen again over that village heading back South and was very low, perhaps looking for somewhere to settle

7 May 2023

May Day sightings

May Day sightings

A clear, dry and bright day meant that the majority of the martins and swallows from yesterday had moved on or were feeding high up. Lots of gull movements about the site and estuary but in no particular direction, just young birds wandering. The warmer d

1 May 2023

Swifts in numbers

Swifts in numbers

Lots of hirundines over the site today plus an arrival of Swifts.

30 April 2023

Flying dandelions

Flying dandelions

We've seen a steady passage of Yellow Wagtail today, flying overhead calling as they move north. They're so bright and yellow, in a field they can look like dandelions.

27 April 2023

WeBS Count for Sunday 23 April and migrant and breeding bird update

WeBS Count for Sunday 23 April and migrant and breeding bird update

A busy passage period

25 April 2023

Barwits and Arctic Terns

Barwits and Arctic Terns

Some visible migration

17 April 2023

White and Yellow Wagtails

White and Yellow Wagtails

A few more migrant birds noted today

16 April 2023

Easter Monday sightings

Easter Monday sightings

More incoming migrants about today

10 April 2023

Singing Siberian Chiffchaff

Singing Siberian Chiffchaff

A handful of new migrants today included a singing male Siberian Chiffchaff, a rare Spring record.

9 April 2023