News - Slimbridge

Family of Eight Swans-a-swimming at Slimbridge!

Family of Eight Swans-a-swimming at Slimbridge!

  Family of 8 Bewick's Swans fly to Slimbridge   The largest Bewick’s swan family ever recorded at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire has arrived raising hopes amongst conservationists that this year has be

18 December 2012

December duckling surprise at WWT Slimbridge

December duckling surprise at WWT Slimbridge

    Mallard with ducklings in December by James Lees   A duck has hatched a brood of ducklings out of season at WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre. The wild female mallard and her offspring are creating a st

5 December 2012

Sleeping beauties attract visitors to nature reserve

Sleeping beauties attract visitors to nature reserve

Lucius and family rest after long flight taken by Colin Butters A family of rare wild swans is enjoying some much needed nap time after their epic flight to Slimbridge Wetland Centre. There was much excitement as Bewi

8 November 2012

Terry Waite to unveil new information boards at Slimbridge

Terry Waite to unveil new information boards at Slimbridge

Terry Waite, CBE, will unveil new information boards at the Canoe safari when he visits Slimbridge Wetland Centre next week (Saturday 27). Former hostage Mr Waite, will be representing the Romany Society as its patron, after it kindly donated money to th

17 October 2012

See the spooky side of Slimbridge at half term and Halloween

See the spooky side of Slimbridge at half term and Halloween

Crane Brain, Freaky Flamingo and Otterly Horrible are just a few of the creepy wetland characters who will be haunting WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre later this month. From half term to Halloween ( October 20th to 31st) children are being challenged to t

5 October 2012

Great teaching in the great outdoors is being offered to a school near you!

Great teaching in the great outdoors is being offered to a school near you!

Fresh from being awarded top marks for its outdoor education, WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre is offering disadvantaged schools in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire free school trips to connect children with nature. Staff at the Centre were delighted when t

28 September 2012

These lawnmoo-wers keep our reserve in peak condition

These lawnmoo-wers keep our reserve in peak condition

A very special breed of cow is helping WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre keeps its nature reserve in top notch condition. Over the years wetter winters have altered the habitat on the reserve at Slimbridge and made some areas unsuitable for many breeds of cat

8 August 2012

Rare Dowitcher Bewitches Birdwatchers

Rare Dowitcher Bewitches Birdwatchers

Dowitcher by James Lees Hundreds of birdwatchers a day have been flocking to WWT Slimbridge to catch a rare glimpse of a Long-billed Dowitcher, a wading bird, not seen in Gloucestershire for 28 years and the currently

31 July 2012

Visitors can find inner calm at Slimbridge Relax Afterhours event

Visitors can find inner calm at Slimbridge Relax Afterhours event

Visitor on Slimbridge’s summer walkway which goes out to the estuary There won’t be a ruffled feather in sight when visitors attend a special relaxation evening event at Slimbridge Wetland Centre next week. Visito

20 July 2012

Art exhibition celebrates the re-introduction of cranes to the Somerset levels.

Art exhibition celebrates the re-introduction of cranes to the Somerset levels.

Hundreds of origami paper cranes, professional silk paintings, jewellery, sculpture and painting are now on show at WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre. Visitors to WWT Slimbridge can see the exhibition featuring the crane artwork in the foyer until 3 September

18 July 2012

Go pink to pay £1 entry on flamingo lagoon opening day

Go pink to pay £1 entry on flamingo lagoon opening day

Visitors who wear pink will gain entry for just £1 when WWT Slimbridge opens its new Flamingo Lagoon next week. Greater Flamingos taken by Nick Cottrell To celebrate the launch of Flamingo Lagoon visitors who turn up

11 July 2012

Gloucestershire’s first avocet chicks take flight despite the weather

Gloucestershire’s first avocet chicks take flight despite the weather

Avocet and Chick when first hatched taken by James Lees The first avocet chicks to have ever bred in Gloucestershire have successfully taken flight. In many other parts of the country wading birds have lost their youn

15 June 2012

Notice - kitchen refurbishment disruption, for one month from 10 June

Notice - kitchen refurbishment disruption, for one month from 10 June

Please be advised that from 10 June until 10 July, 2012, there will be limited hot food available in the WWT Slimbridge restaurant as we are having the kitchen refitted. There will still be a large selection of sandwiches, hot drinks, soups and cakes avai

11 June 2012

Orphaned goose finds a new family

Orphaned goose finds a new family

  Frank by Gordon Youdale A gosling which is considerably larger than his siblings is gaining a following at WWT Slimbridge.   Frank, as he has been nicknamed by staff, towers above the other three goslings

31 May 2012

Avocets breed in Gloucestershire for the first time

Avocets breed in Gloucestershire for the first time

Adult Avocet with chick taken by James Lees Conservationists are celebrating after an iconic bird has bred in Gloucestershire for the first time. A pair of avocets has bred at WWT Slimbridge and two of their young hav

16 May 2012