
Fungi survey - Nov 2020

Fungi survey - Nov 2020

Fungi is fascinating, and it's literally everywhere you look, especially in woodlands and damp outdoor areas. Our team have recently undertaken a fungus survey around our site and among the common fungi that we see quite regularly such as common and shagg

16 November 2020

WWT Washington open during lockdown 2.0

WWT Washington open during lockdown 2.0

We're remaining open during the second national lockdown, allowing visitors the chance to enjoy a peaceful walk in nature.

12 November 2020

CALL & COLLECT -  Shop animal care products

CALL & COLLECT - Shop animal care products

If you'd like to order from this range and support WWT Washington, please give us a call on 0191 4165454 (Mon-Fri 11am - 3.30pm) to purchase and arrange a collection time.

11 November 2020

Tree mast year

Tree mast year

This year is known as a 'mast year' - a year when trees produce a bumper crop of fruits and nuts, which can have huge benefits for wildlife. Here's a few hints and tips of what to look for and which wildlife has been enjoying nature's buffet.

10 November 2020

Lockdown opening - key information Nov 2020

Lockdown opening - key information Nov 2020

A walk in nature is what everyone needs right now, and we're pleased to be able to stay open during this new lockdown. There are some restrictions to allow us to stay within government guidance...

5 November 2020

Why Wetlands competition winner announced!

Why Wetlands competition winner announced!

With dozens of entries of fantastic art, poetry, collages and more, we're thrilled to announce the winner of our why wetlands competition.

19 October 2020

Fall for WWT Washington this autumn

Fall for WWT Washington this autumn

Wetlands make the perfect place to safely escape the everyday and appreciate one of nature’s greatest shows - autumn!

13 October 2020

Little egret citizen survey - the results

Little egret citizen survey - the results

Key information from the survey that visitors helped piece together!

15 September 2020

Why Wetlands Competition

Why Wetlands Competition

A summer competition inspired by your visit to Washington Wetland Centre!

3 August 2020

Washington re-opening information

Washington re-opening information

Information to help you plan your visit at WWT Washington

11 June 2020

Coronavirus - latest statement

Coronavirus - latest statement

We are pleased to announce that Washington Wetland Centre will re-open on Wednesday 10 June

3 June 2020

World Wetlands Day 2020

World Wetlands Day 2020

Celebrate World Wetlands Day this Sunday!

31 January 2020

Window on the Wear - Essential works

Window on the Wear - Essential works

Did you know that, despite being around 5 miles from the sea, the section of the river Wear at our site is still tidal? This brings huge benefits in that many coastal species, including grey seals and wading birds which feed on the mud along the estuary m

10 January 2020

Wearside children wrap up kindness at wetland centre

Wearside children wrap up kindness at wetland centre

'Tis the season of goodwill and giving to others, and at WWT Washington Wetland Centre this sentiment is in full swing as over a hundred gifts will be collected and donated to local causes.

4 December 2019

First flamingo chick in 4 years hatches

First flamingo chick in 4 years hatches

A long-awaited Chilean flamingo egg has successfully hatched at WWT Washington Wetland Centre – the first chick to arrive in over four years!

29 August 2019