Sightings - Martin Mere

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Migration is well under way, the number of whoopers on the mere is decreasing daily. But the number of black-tailed godwits are increasing with 700 on the mere Marsh harriers are seen across the site Kingfishers are seen daily from the Ron Barker hide dow

1 March 2024

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Latest Sightings

It feels like spring is in the air over the last few days with the bright and sunny weather after all the rain last week.This is also being reflected on site with many of the birds starting to pair up. The most obvious is the pairs of shelduck which can b

26 February 2024

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Latest Sightings

11 avocets have been spotted on the mere this week, along with our usual whooper swans, shelduck, wigeon, and pintails. A few brambling have been seen at Janet Kear hide lately, and some greater spotted woodpeckers are often found using our bird feeders t

22 February 2024

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Latest Sightings

In the past week quite a few waders have been spotted on the mere, including 5 avocets, some redshank, a curlew, and several ruffs and black-tailed godwits, some of which are starting to develop their summer plumage!There have been some notable sightings

20 February 2024

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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Martin Mere with a couple of rare sightings and the arrival of summer migrants!One of the reserve team picked up a pair of bean geese from Ron Barker hide during our weekly dawn count last week. The birds stuck around until abou

12 February 2024

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Latest Sightings

There have been quite a few sightings at Janet Kear hide this week, including reed bunting, kingfisher, and our first siskin of the year. A couple of kingfishers have also been spotted at Ron Barker hide, as well as at Hale hide, where a lesser redpoll wa

5 February 2024

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Latest Sightings

The barn owl is still showing well this week, and a few great white egrets have also been spotted from Ron Barker hide. We still have hundreds of whooper swans attending our feeds every day, usually accompanied by the red-breasted goose.Along with the reg

29 January 2024

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As the storms and windy weather have continued, the birds have again been sheltering from the extreme weather. This has also led to an increase in barn owl sightings across site, as it hunts during daylight to avoid the worst of the wind.With the dropping

26 January 2024

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The current windy weather has seen the majority of the birds on site hunkering down to shelter from the wind. Discovery hide is proving good for views of the black-tailed godwit and ruff on the apron, picking any grain out of the cracks in the hard standi

22 January 2024

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Latest Sightings

The mere looks absolutely stunning this winter, with frost and snow covering the site! The beautiful views from Ron Barker hide have been improved by a hen harrier sighting, along with the barn owl that can usually be seen from 3pm. 19 cattle egrets have

18 January 2024

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The temperature has dropped and the mere has looked stunning with the frost and ice on the water. 968 Whooper swans and 4360 Pink-footed geese roosting on site with most of the swans on the mere. 1 Bewick's swan roosted on the Mere over the weekend.Toda

15 January 2024

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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy few days with a lot of comings and goings on site. The red breasted goose is still present and can be seen from the hides on the mere. The mere has also been a good place to see waders with black-tailed godwit, ruff and redshank reporte

12 January 2024

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Latest Sightings

A redshank was seen on the mere this week, along with some black-tailed godwits and ruffs. The barn owl has been showing particularly well all over the site, including Ron Barker hide (where a peregrine was seen on Saturday) and woodend marsh (where 10 ca

8 January 2024

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Latest Sightings

Sightings going into the New Year have certainly started with a bang! Visitors on New Years Day were treated to an excellent showing of a barn owl from Kingfisher Hide. There were excellent views of the owl perching on a fence post and in flight.There are

2 January 2024

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

It has been a good few days in terms of sightings for the reed loving birds we get at Martin Mere. Bittern again has been sighted from Ron Barker with multiple reports. Water rail can also be regularly heard calling within the reedbed and are best heard f

21 December 2023