Sightings - Martin Mere

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A compilation of sightings from the last few days. Early days for classic spring migrants although a couple of Chiffchaff have been seen, these birds are likely to have over wintered. Four Great White Egret on the reserve on Monday, breaking the previous

9 March 2020

Spring ! ?

Spring ! ?

Mad Hares, singing Warblers, and Crows eating duck eggs for breakfast - maybe the long, wet Winter is drawing to a close!Starting with non-bird news, at least 3 Hares were chasing each other around the fields this morning, and a Peacock butterfly was seen

6 March 2020

Great White Egrets

Great White Egrets

Another wild and windy weekend. Great to be typing this out on Monday morning in relatively light winds and full sunshine, almost feels like spring. A record count of 3 Great White Egret on the reserve over the weekend with at least two present today.The

2 March 2020

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

More wild weather from the past few days. The Long-billed Dowitcher decided to visit Burton Mere on Monday and Tuesday before returning to the reserve on Wednesday, still present here late afternoon. Great White Egret again around the reserve. Avocet num

26 February 2020

Long-billed Dowitcher

Long-billed Dowitcher

More wet and windy weather however you never know what might be blown in and in fact a Gannet seen from the Ron Barker Hide on Saturday is only the 4th record for the reserve. Also new in the local celebrity that is the 'Marshside Long-billed Dowitcher' h

23 February 2020

Wader Influx

Wader Influx

As wildfowl numbers start to drop back the reserve can appear to be much quieter, however we are moving into the spring season and the return of breeding and passage waders. The first Ringed Plover was seen along the back edge of the Mere. At least one Re

19 February 2020

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

A compilation of Saturday and Sunday's sightings. Still time to see the winter spectacle at Martin Mere and catch up with the long staying Tundra Bean Goose, still present this morning around the edge of the Mere. Some great birding locally too with the N

15 February 2020

Storm Ciara

Storm Ciara

The reserve is open again this still windy Monday morning after yesterday's closure. Sustained gusts above 55 mph forced the reserve to close for safety reasons although not too many people were out and about. No real damage on the reserve but a tree did

10 February 2020

Avocets return

Avocets return

As mentioned in the last sighting report we were expecting Avocet to return in the next couple of weeks. However, they decided to break all records when a pair turned up on the Mere on Monday morning, beating the previous record by 6 days. In fact, we are

5 February 2020

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

A substantial potato delivery onto Top Mere during the week has brought good numbers of Whooper Swan onto the Mere with smaller groups of Pink-footed Geese also dropping. The injured Tundra Bean Goose (below) is present mostly around the Mere loosely asso

2 February 2020

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Plenty of action on and around the reserve. The Tundra Bean Goose (below) is still present showing around the Mere. Locally there has been a small influx of birds which have probably arrived following Pink-footed Geese on their journey North. Good for rap

28 January 2020

Great Birding

Great Birding

The Tundra Bean Goose continues to show around the edge of the Mere and was around all day. Also around 450 Pink-footed Geese dropped in late afternoon. The Swan Goose is also still around.At least 2 adult Mediterranean Gull on the Mere today as well as a

25 January 2020

Bird News update

Bird News update

A quick update of today's highlights in list form - more expansive notes will follow over the weekend - time is against me!Bean Goose still present on the Mere, also 2 Mediterranean Gulls (both adults), Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 60+ Ruff, 5+ Black-tailed

24 January 2020

Tundra Bean Goose still

Tundra Bean Goose still

A brief update. The Tundra Bean Goose has been spending all of the day around the Mere, sleeping and feeding, mostly associating with some injured Pink-footed Geese. Bird of the day had to be a cracking adult male Hen Harrier (picture by David Thompson) w

18 January 2020

Bird News

Bird News

Despite rather unpleasant weather, lots of birds around today. The Tundra Bean Goose was on the Mere again all day after going missing yesterday. Also on the Mere a male Goldeneye was joined briefly this afternoon by a single Goosander. 2 Peregrines, Mars

17 January 2020