
Wildlife Sightings for 27th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 27th April 2023

Wheatear on the marsh. Little Ringed Plover on the wader scrape

27 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 26th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 26th April 2023

1 Wheatear and 3 Yellow Wagtail on the marsh. Whitethroat and Garden Warbler around summer route

26 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 25th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 25th April 2023

5 Whitethroat, 4 Yellow Wagtail and 7 Sedge Warbler recorded this morning

25 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 24th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 24th April 2023

4 Whitethroat singing around the reserve. 2 Little Ringed Plover on the wader scrape. At least 8 Sedge Warbler singing.

24 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 23rd April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 23rd April 2023

Turtle Dove on the wader scrape. Whinchat, Yellow Wagtails and Wheatears on the marsh

23 April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 22nd April 2023

Grasshopper Warbler singing by Dulverton Hide, plus Yellow Wagtail, Green Sandpiper and Garganey on site

22 April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 21st April 2023

Garganey, Green Sandpipers, Little Ringed Plovers, Whimbrel and Yellow Wagtails on the reserve. First Swifts over site too.

21 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 20th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 20th April 2023

Yellow Wagtails and Green Sandpipers on the marsh and scrape

20 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 19th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 19th April 2023

Green Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail on the marsh

19 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 18th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 18th April 2023

Wheatear on the marsh, Yellow Wagtail on the scrape. Little Ringed Plover on main lake.

18 April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 17th April 2023

Wildlife sightings for 17th April 2023

Grasshopper Warbler in reedbed. Wheatears and Yellow Wagtails on marsh

17 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 16th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 16th April 2023

Singing Warblers and a pair of Shelduck on the main lake.

16 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 15th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 15th April 2023

Shelduck pair on the main lake and Little Ringed Plover pair still on the wader scrape.

15 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 14th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 14th April 2023

Linnet singing between Dulverton and WWF hide. Lots of warblers on site.

14 April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 13th April 2023

Wildlife Sightings for 13th April 2023

2 Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Redshank and Common Sandpiper. Wheatear on the Marsh. Reed Warblers singing from the reedbeds.

13 April 2023