Sightings - Castle Espie

Recent Sightings 29th August 2022

Recent Sightings 29th August 2022

Two female Pintails were seen on the Main Lake this morning, best viewed from the Collection area and the Garden Hide. The female duck does not have the striking white front and elongated tail feathers of the male, but they still have a pointed tail and a

29 August 2022

Recent Sightings 22nd August 2022

Recent Sightings 22nd August 2022

Despite the rainy weather on Monday, the Kingfisher was out fishing on the Main Lake in the early morning. If they’re about, they’re easily spotted from the Garden Hide in the Sensory Garden which is a great place for taking photos. Widgeon (pictured)

23 August 2022

Recent Sightings 15th August 2022

Recent Sightings 15th August 2022

Castle Espie has had some new visitors recently to look out for. On the Main Lake a small group of Wigeon have been seen recently, amongst the Gadwall and Tufted ducks. Wigeon are a small dabbling duck, feeding on aquatic plants and roots. The UK receive

16 August 2022

Recent Sightings 1st August 2022

Recent Sightings 1st August 2022

August has started on a sunny day with lots of our usual visitors on our Castle Espie lakes and ponds. There are still ducklings to be seen on the Main Lake and Freshwater Lagoon, including Moorhens, Gadwall and a wee family of Tufted ducks. The Kingfishe

2 August 2022

Recent Sightings 25th July 2022

Recent Sightings 25th July 2022

Blue skies but very strong winds here at Castle Espie today made counting, and hearing, sheltering birds quite a challenge! However, plenty of our feathered friends were not put off by the gales. A female Northern shoveler was on Freshwater Lagoon this mo

25 July 2022

Recent Sightings 18th July 2022

Recent Sightings 18th July 2022

Castle Espie looks amazing in the sunshine with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze to welcome you out onto the reserve. The Main Lake is playing host to several pairs of Mute swans at the moment, which is a very calming view to sit and admire from the G

18 July 2022

Recent Sightings 11th July 2022

Recent Sightings 11th July 2022

The sunny weather recently has bought lots of visitors to Castle Espie, with the sky filled with the shapes of Swallows, House martins, Skylarks and Terns. Most of the Greylag goslings are fully grown now and are hard to distinguish from their parents, an

13 July 2022

Recent Sightings 4th July 2022

Recent Sightings 4th July 2022

The Woodland was dominated by the unmistakable and powerful calls of two Buzzards this morning. These large birds of prey feed on small birds, mammals and carrion – occasionally insects. They were a species in decline due to poisoning and persecution bu

4 July 2022

Recent Sightings 27th June 2022

Recent Sightings 27th June 2022

We’ve had a few new visitors to Castle Espie this week, along with our usual ducklings, chicks and goslings which are getting bigger by the day! A Gannet was spotted just off the pier which is easily seen from the Limekiln Observatory and from the Brent

28 June 2022

Recent Sightings 20th June 2022

Recent Sightings 20th June 2022

At low tide today, Castle Espie was alive with action in the sky and on the water. The Kingfisher was busy fishing on the Main Lake and on the Saline Lagoon, flashing bright in the hot summer sunshine we experienced today. There were also aerial displays

20 June 2022

Recent Sightings 13th June 2022

Recent Sightings 13th June 2022

For the past few days, Freshwater Lagoon has had a male Shoveler duck (pictured) on its waters. They have a vibrant green/iridescent head (during breeding season) and their very distinctive ‘shovel-shaped’ bill. This strange shape assists them in sift

13 June 2022

Recent Sightings 6th June 2022

Recent Sightings 6th June 2022

Some new ducklings to spot on the reserve this week – Gadwall! Gadwall (pictured) are a little smaller than Mallards, and sport a distinctive white patch on the wing. They nest in wetland habitats with abundant vegetation, so our Freshwater lagoon is th

6 June 2022

Recent Sightings 30th May 2022

Recent Sightings 30th May 2022

A pair of Shelduck (pictured) are an easy spot on the Main Lake and a pleasant welcome as you enter Castle Espie from the Visitors Centre. They’ve now recently been joined by their newest arrivals – Shelducklings! The youngsters look strikingly like t

30 May 2022

Recent Sightings 23rd May 2022

Recent Sightings 23rd May 2022

Between the rain and shine today there was a lot to be seen at the reserve on a receding tide this morning. From an unusual appearance by a non-native Black swan on the Main Lake, to the huge variety of chicks, ducklings and goslings wandering around the

23 May 2022

Recent Sightings 16th May 2022

Recent Sightings 16th May 2022

The rising tide this morning bought Oystercatcher into the reserve to roost on the Shingle Bank. When the tide comes in, wading birds lose the mudflats on which they feed, so they move off the Estuary and seek refuge in areas like Castle Espie. Small floc

16 May 2022