Sightings - Caerlaverock

Latest Sightings - 14th July - Osprey chicks ringed and live online!

Latest Sightings - 14th July - Osprey chicks ringed and live online!

The two Osprey chicks have now been ringed by our colleagues at the Forestry Commission for Scotland. We have a male blue PW9 and female blue PW0 in the nest. They have also been fitted with satellite trackers, so we will be able to follow them throug

14 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 12th July - Dragonflies emerging

Latest Sightings - 12th July - Dragonflies emerging

Common Darter Dragonflies are just starting to emerge from the ponds. This photo shows the newly emerged adult next to the larval exoskeleton from which it has broken out of! At this stage, dragonflies are very vulnerable as their bodies have not hardene

12 July 2016

Monday July 11th update

Monday July 11th update

Little change from yesterday, with the addition of five returning Black-tailed Godwits, resplendent in breeding plumage still, on The Folly Pond Today's high tide is at 18:01, 7.8m Around the reserve today: Wildflowers Red Clover White Clover Red Campio

11 July 2016

Update, Sunday July 10th

Update, Sunday July 10th

Two Blackcaps in full song down The Avenue. Three young Dabchicks viewable from The Teal Pond Hide, though it's best not to linger too long as despite fledging their first brood, the Swallows there  look like going for another. Today's high tide is at 

10 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 9th July

Latest Sightings - 9th July

A wet start to the day, but it doesn't seem to bother everything. Five Brown Hares are running around our newly reseeded field at the Avenue Tower. A Sparrowhawk was hunting down the Avenue first thing this morning. The Tawny Owl is again in it's usual tr

9 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Ospreys doing well & Common Lizard seen

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Ospreys doing well & Common Lizard seen

Apologies for the lack of news, the Reserve Team have been away at Martin Mere the past few days, but we are back now. Water levels are looking good after some more rain last night, perfect for waders which should be heading this way after breeding in the

8 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 2nd July - More Osprey action

Latest Sightings - 2nd July - More Osprey action

A bright start, but now the showers are on their way. Water levels are much better on the reserve, and we have already had 3 Black-tailed Godwits turn up on the Flood Ground. Probably failed breeders heading south early, so keep your eyes peeled for any

2 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 1st July - Osprey cam on, but still some problems

Latest Sightings - 1st July - Osprey cam on, but still some problems

The Osprey camera in the Visitor Centre is back on this morning after the signal dropped out yesterday. We are still having some problems with it, getting power to a remote area can be tricky. If you're visiting and would like to see the nest camera pleas

1 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 30th June

Latest Sightings - 30th June

We didn't see much activity on the Osprey nest yesterday, the torrential rain making one of the parents constantly have to cover the chicks to keep them warm and dry. Hopefully we will see more action today. Our IT and web departments are hoping to get t

30 June 2016

Latest Sightings - 29th June - Osprey Camera up and running in Visitor Centre!

Latest Sightings - 29th June - Osprey Camera up and running in Visitor Centre!

Another wet morning here, but we have started to see some post breeding migration with the arrival of 3 lovely orange Black-tailed Godwit on the Flood Ground. But whilst it's raining outside, you can now enjoy watching a live video feed of our local Ospr

29 June 2016

Latest Sightings - 28th June

Latest Sightings - 28th June

There's a bit more water around the reserve thanks to the heavy rain over the weekend, the fields have freshened up and the meadow is looking great with plenty of flowers on show. The Tawny Owl has reappeared in a tree along the path to the Folly Pond Hid

28 June 2016

Monday June 27th

Monday June 27th

A brood of (at least) two Gadwall chicks on the Teal Pond this morning, plenty of Linnets from the Avenue Tower and a late burst of song from the Avenue itself, with Blackcap, several Sedge Warblers and Reed Bunting all in full voice first thing Today's h

27 June 2016

Reserve Update Saturday 25th June

Reserve Update Saturday 25th June

The moorhen parents on Teal Pond are going to have an interesting time....eight chicks to look after!  There are also swallow chicks hatching out in nests all over the reserve including within the Teal Pond Hide. Elsewhere on the reserve, a female sparro

25 June 2016

Latest Sightings - 24th June

Latest Sightings - 24th June

Another sunny morning on the reserve and still more young birds flitting around the Avenues. Mallard and Moorhen have recently hatched young on the Teal pond, so the breeding season is still in full swing! The Mute Swan family with seven cygnets are makin

24 June 2016

Thursday June 23rd

Thursday June 23rd

Still no real change around the reserve, with the locally scarce Reed Warbler still active in the filtration reedbed Today's high tide is at 15:02,  8.8m Around the reserve today: Wildflowers Cuckoo Flower Red Campion Foxglove Northern Marsh Orchid Twa

23 June 2016