Sightings - Caerlaverock

Reserve Update 26th October - water rail, whoopers and wigeon!

Reserve Update 26th October - water rail, whoopers and wigeon!

The water rail has once again re-appeared in the Peter Scott Trail underneath the bird feeder area.  Seen yesterday and again first thing this morning.  Another Whooper Swan family has turned up on the Whooper Pond with five cygnets just to confuse matt

26 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 22nd October - Paisley & Renfrew return!

Latest Sightings - 22nd October - Paisley & Renfrew return!

Up early for the Icelandic Breeding Goose Census. Plenty of Pink-feet leaving the roost, mostly heading up the Solway towards Carlisle. The ringtail Hen Harrier was hunting over the merse from the Saltcot Merse Observatory this morning, and a flock of 20

22 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 21st October - More Whoopers arriving

Latest Sightings - 21st October - More Whoopers arriving

More newly arrived Whooper Swans this morning, with another named swan 'Monty' red APH on the Whooper Pond along with a Martin Mere regular, 11 year old yellow K4C. This Peregrine was perched up at the Avenue Tower first thing, a big flock of Long-tailed

21 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 20th October - More Whoopers!

Latest Sightings - 20th October - More Whoopers!

47 Whooper Swans on the reserve this morning. 14 are on the Folly Pond and 33 on the Whooper Pond including two families. Plenty of Barnacle Geese around the fields and merses, and Pink-footed Geese heading inland from the roost at 8:30am. Today's high ti

20 October 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 19th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 19th October

Over forty Whooper Swans were present on the Folly Pond this morning, obviously having roosted there overnight.  These birds have now dispersed around the reserve with some flying in to join the early morning feed.  Hopefully they may stick around for t

19 October 2016

Reserve Update Tuesday 18th October

Reserve Update Tuesday 18th October

Neither the yellow-browed Warbler nor the Great Egret have been seen (or heard) this morning. The recent high tides have seen the Merse compartments flooded which is drawing the wildfowl.  Another high tide is forecast for this afternoon which will make

18 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 17th October - another big tide!

Latest Sightings - 17th October - another big tide!

The recent high tides have flooded the merses and provided great feeding areas for Pintail, Wigeon and Teal. The Great Egret is on the eastern merse from Avenue Tower this morning. A Yellow-browed Warbler was heard halfway down the Avenue first thing, but

17 October 2016

Latest Sightings 15th October - Green-winged Teal returns

Latest Sightings 15th October - Green-winged Teal returns

The drake Green-winged Teal is back on the Folly Pond now and is halfway through his moult. The vertical white stripe is just visible on the side of the body and we have seen a metal ring on his right leg making us almost certain that this is the same bir

15 October 2016

Latest Sightings 14th October - Lazy geese

Latest Sightings 14th October - Lazy geese

The Barnacle Geese are being very lazy this morning, most of them are still out on the roost. They will hopefully get moving soon. The Great Egret was in the Flood Ground this morning, having possibly popped across to Cumbria yesterday. It has moved off a

14 October 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 12th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 12th October

Late update for the reserve today.  Plenty of Barnacle Goose activity around the reserve today, predominantly caused by overflying aircraft causing the birds to lift off the fields.  At least four leucistic birds have been observed within the different

12 October 2016

Sunday October 9th update

Sunday October 9th update

Little change from yesterday, with Barnacle and Pink-footed Geese in profusion within the fields and on the merses. The 27 Whooper Swans remain in the Northpark stubble near the approach road-end, just over a mile away. The Great Egret continues to altern

9 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 8th October - over 10,000 Barnacle Geese!

Latest Sightings - 8th October - over 10,000 Barnacle Geese!

A whopping 16,000 Barnacle Geese were on the reserve yesterday. This morning we have 10,250 on the fields and merses! The Great Egret is on the Folly Pond at the moment, with a Little Egret for comparison. Today's high tide 17:21, 7.8m Around the reserve

8 October 2016

Latest Sightings - 7th October - over 6000 Barnies now!

Latest Sightings - 7th October - over 6000 Barnies now!

More Barnacle Geese have arrived overnight with a fantastic 8318 on the reserve this morning! The Great Egret is amongst the Barnies out on the merse. 13 Whooper Swans are on the Folly Pond, but they are very mobile at present, often feeding in stubble fi

7 October 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 6th October - Barnacles are arriving

Reserve Update Thursday 6th October - Barnacles are arriving

The influx of Barnacle Geese slowly crept up through the day yesterday with 1,200 recorded during this mornings count in Corner Field.  These birds have now moved down onto the Merse and are best viewed from Saltcot Observatory.  The Great Egret is also

6 October 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 5th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 5th October

Keep your eyes peeled for the Whooper Swans on your drive into the reserve this morning as they are favouring the stubble fields at the road end.  Twenty four did drop into Folly Pond for a brief spell yesterday afternoon. The Great White Egret continu

5 October 2016