Sightings - Caerlaverock

Latest Sightings - 7th October - More Whoopers!

Latest Sightings - 7th October - More Whoopers!

A few more Whooper Swans in this morning, but they are also feeding in fields north of the reserve. Lots of Pink-footed Geese out on the mud this morning and some of them are still sleeping off their long journey. Barnacle Goose numbers haven't changed ye

7 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 6th October - Influx overnight!

Latest Sightings - 6th October - Influx overnight!

A massive influx of birds overnight means we now have 63 Whooper Swans split between the Whooper Pond and the Folly Pond. A few families of Whoopers have already made the trip down from Iceland. There are also hundreds of Pink-footed Geese resting on the

6 October 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Whooper Swan numbers are starting to creep up a little, with four birds joining us for the 2pm feed yesterday.  This morning there are fifteen Whoopers around the reserve with best views from the Avenue Tower first thing.  Hopefully they may join us for

4 October 2017

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Little real change from last update - Teal nos on the up, as are Wigeon to a smaller extent. We still await more Barnacles, the few that have arrived came over a fortnight ago, but conditions at the breeding grounds have remained mild with largely light s

2 October 2017

Latest Sightings - 30th September

Latest Sightings - 30th September

The Barnacle Geese are feeding in the Lochar Field again this morning, with great views of them from the Avenue Tower. A single juvenile Ruff is on the Folly Pond, alongside good numbers of Teal and a single Little Egret. Today's high tide is at 08:42, 6

30 September 2017

Latest Sightings - 29th September - still southerly winds

Latest Sightings - 29th September - still southerly winds

Still no sign of the first migrating Whooper Swans and still only 140 Barnacle Geese on the reserve. These southerly winds are likely holding up the arrival of any more. Keep an eye on the weather and when you see the winds swing round to the north, we co

29 September 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 23rd September

Reserve Update Saturday 23rd September

Our flock of 135 Barnacle Geese are once again in the Lochar Field, as seen from Avenue Tower.  There are over 600 Pink-footed Geese along the Merse edge which make regular fights over the reserve to their inland feeding areas.  Listen out for them flyi

23 September 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 21st September

Reserve Update Thursday 21st September

No sign of the Barnacle Geese so far this morning....but it is a little murky out there!  The over-summered Whooper Swan remains on the Flood Ground together with three Little Grebes.  A further two Little Grebes are present on the Whopper Pond.  Large

21 September 2017

18th September Update

18th September Update

The Barnacle Geese have moved back to the Lochar Field after moving yesterday afternoon to the merse. The numbers have slightly increased to 132. 2 Whooper Swans were heard, then seen flying out towards the merse, joining some Mute Swans. We are unsure wh

18 September 2017

Sunday 17th Sept - First Barnies!!

Sunday 17th Sept - First Barnies!!

As predicted the first Barnacle Geese were imminent - there 121 currently in our Lochar Field, adjacent the Avenue Tower. Not quite the earliest arrival on record, but close! Winds are quite light but northerly - will there be a big fall? 400 Pintail on

17 September 2017

Latest Sightings - 16th September

Latest Sightings - 16th September

Still a slight northerly wind for the next few days which could aide migrants heading down from the Arctic. We are still waiting for Whooper Swans to arrive and join the one that over-summered, 3 arrived in late September last year but it wasn't until t

16 September 2017

Latest Sightings - 15th September - Autumnal feel to the day

Latest Sightings - 15th September - Autumnal feel to the day

More Autumn migrants are arriving on the reserve. There are Pink-footed Geese dropping in every day, with small flocks coming high from the north to land on the merse and mud of the Solway. Keep an eye and an ear out for them! These northerly winds could

15 September 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 14th September - Kingfisher on Folly Pond

Reserve Update Thursday 14th September - Kingfisher on Folly Pond

There was a brief sighting of the Kingfisher again this morning whizzing across the Folly Pond towards the new Paddock hide.  On your way through to the hide, stop and have a look at the Ice plant and Joe Pye Weed in the Wildlife Garden as they have bee

14 September 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 13th August

Reserve Update Wednesday 13th August

Lovely start to the morning after the rains overnight (if visiting, do consider bringing your wellington boots).  The fist Pink-footed Geese have been seen flying across the reserve yesterday morning.  A group of 25 passed high overhead the Peter Scott

13 September 2017

Update, Monday 11th September

Update, Monday 11th September

  A bright, sunny start to the day with a Peregrine hunting over the Folly Pond. Yesterdays WeBS (Wetlands Bird Survey) count is included in the list below. Today the Saltcot Loaning is muddy and partially blocked for resurfacing after the hedge work

11 September 2017