
Latest Sightings - 12th December - Bewick's Swan briefly this morning

Latest Sightings - 12th December - Bewick's Swan briefly this morning

  A Bewick's Swan arrived on the reserve yesterday and spent the day with the Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond. It was still here first thing this morning, but has since flown east. It could be with another flock of Whooper Swans near Thwaite and Ru

12 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 9th December - Swans on ice!

Latest Sightings - 9th December - Swans on ice!

Another cold and icy morning on the reserve, but the sun is shining! As many of the ponds are frozen, the Whooper Pond is the busiest with the swans breaking the ice. Newfield Hide is fantastic at the moment with plenty of Barnacle Geese, Pink-footed Gees

9 December 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 6th December

Reserve Update Wednesday 6th December

It was a good day to be down at Saltcot yesterday with cracking views of the Peregrine, male Hen Harrier, Merlin and the Great White Egret also returned.  There is another high tide today at lunch time and with the strong winds forecast this might see mo

6 December 2017

Latest Sightings- 4th December

Latest Sightings- 4th December

Yesterday morning was our monthly dawn flight, with terrific views at sunrise of around 10,000 Barnacle Geese and 20,000 Pink-footed Geese. Our next Dawn Flight is Sunday 7th January. A new pair of Whooper Swans arrived this morning, with 2 cygnets! Whoop

4 December 2017

Latest Sightings - 2nd December - Christmas Fayre today!

Latest Sightings - 2nd December - Christmas Fayre today!

A slightly more mild morning on the reserve, with a bit of cloud cover. Its our Christmas Fayre TODAY, 1-4pm. A great range of stalls will be here including knitwear, wildlife illustrations, woodwork, bird boxes & tables, soft furnishings, Fairtrade p

2 December 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 29th November

Reserve Update Wednesday 29th November

Second frosty morning in a row!  This brought a number of Pintail onto the Whooper Pond with nine birds present first thing.  These have now dispersed but the three on the Flood Ground tend to stick around.  Male Bulfinch once more down the Avenue near

29 November 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 25th November

Reserve Update Saturday 25th November

Good morning for a wander....Goldcrest, Fieldfare, Redwing and Long-tailed Tits are present in the Hawthorns down the Avenue.  Due to their presence there was also a female Sparrowhawk perched up in one of the Sycamore trees first thing.  The Water Rail

25 November 2017

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Redpoll, Water Rail & Bullfinch

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Redpoll, Water Rail & Bullfinch

It's a crisp and sunny morning on the reserve. Two Lesser Redpoll are feeding on Alders in the Peter Scott Trail. Also a Water Rail is under the feeders there and two male Bullfinches in the Avenue. Named Whooper Swan arrivals: YHS - Solway Siren ZHP - An

24 November 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd November

Reserve Update Wednesday 22nd November

Definitely a day to wear wellies if you are visiting!  Murky start is not helping with the counts but the Wigeon especially are liking all the flooded fields.  Approximately 300 birds both in Corner Field and Lochar field, still to spot an American with

22 November 2017

Reserve Update- 20th November (WeBS count figures)

Reserve Update- 20th November (WeBS count figures)

  A wet start to the day with rain overnight, but this does not stop the birds. Two sparrowhawks each with prey were seen this morning on the way to Avenue Tower. At the Tower there were some great close up views of a few hundred barnacle geese (with

20 November 2017

Latest Sightings - 18th November - Hen Harrier, Great Egret & plenty of Geese

Latest Sightings - 18th November - Hen Harrier, Great Egret & plenty of Geese

A fantastic morning on the reserve and we were out at dawn to count Pink-footed Geese coming off the roost for the Icelandic Breeding Goose Census. The Pink-feet have headed inland to feed but there are plenty of Barnacle Geese in the fields this morning.

18 November 2017

Reserve Update 16th November - Waders Galore

Reserve Update 16th November - Waders Galore

What a change from yesterday morning, lovely start to the day!  Avenue Tower is the place to be with 18 Little Egret, a mixed flock of over 1500 Golden Plover and Lapwing, plus Curlew, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank.  Three drake Pintail on t

16 November 2017

Reserve Update- 15th November

Reserve Update- 15th November

A misty start to the morning, but there is still plenty of wildlife around. 12 Twite were seen along the avenue this morning (image below). There was a lovely sight of a sparrowhawk flying between the trees down the avenue. Lots of fieldfare are also stil

15 November 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 11th November

Reserve Update Saturday 11th November

More Whoopers in again!  The Whooper Pond is really starting to fill up and come alive with all the calling going on.  Newfield was great yesterday afternoon with 23 Dunlin, 34 Curlew, 230 Lapwing, 2 Golden Plover and a Ruff.  The Black-tailed Godwit r

11 November 2017

Reserve Update Friday 10th December

Reserve Update Friday 10th December

The Black-tailed Godwit are showing nicely on the Folly Pond currently with 61 individuals present.  They tend to fly out to the Newfield to feed later on returning to Folly Pond at dusk.  Some more new arrivals for the Whooper Swans this morning so ple

10 November 2017