
Summer Walk Open!

Summer Walk Open!

While it might not feel exactly the right weather, we have opened our Summer walk for the season today. Come and explore the Cuckoo Flower out in the meadows or see if you can catch sight of an otter on the River. This walk will be open from 10am in the

1 May 2019

Butterflies, Barnacles & Pink-feet

Butterflies, Barnacles & Pink-feet

The sun is shining and it is very warm on the reserve. It certainly feels like summer, with lots of butterflies now flying. Our first Orange-tip Butterflies were seen yesterday.Despite the summer-like weather there are still geese around. 1500 Barnacle Ge

20 April 2019

House Martins Nesting

House Martins Nesting

Some of our returned House Martins have begun renovations of their nesting sites on the Farmhouse Tower. There is plenty of mud for them to utilise as the water levels have now dropped on Folly Pond, great for waders such as Black-tailed Godwit and Redsh

17 April 2019

Giant Easter Duck Trail

Giant Easter Duck Trail

Go quackers and find the GIANT ducks hidden all over our wetlands!

15 April 2019

Golden Plover & Warblers

Golden Plover & Warblers

The Corner Field is full of Golden Plover this morning. Many of them with their breeding plumage black bellies.The Avenues are full of bird song with Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap the new arrivals.Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit on the Folly Po

13 April 2019

First Willow Warbler

First Willow Warbler

The first Willow Warbler of the year has been heard singing today on the reserve and joins our growing list of returned Spring migrants. The water levels are being dropped on the Folly Pond now that the Whooper Swans have left to create muddy edges that

10 April 2019

Sand Martins, Swallows & House Martins

Sand Martins, Swallows & House Martins

The Sand Martins are over the Whooper Pond this morning, Swallows and House Martins around the Visitor Centre. No sign of the drake Garganey from Sunday yet but it could still be skulking around the Folly Pond or the borrowpits.High Tide: 15:37, 9.0mOpeni

9 April 2019

Swans depart, Ospreys return

Swans depart, Ospreys return

Numbers of birds are now lessening on the Whooper Pond but we still do have a small number of Whoopers there, mostly juveniles. It does look a bit like a creche! These birds will be moving off over the next week or so. On the returns front, we have an

6 April 2019

Blackthorn Blossoming

Blackthorn Blossoming

The Blackthorn flowers are looking lovely in full blossom at the moment. Other flowers are also in bloom such as the Primrose, and in the Wildlife Garden Pulmonaria, Daffodils and Aubretia. These plants are a vital early season nectar source for the quee

3 April 2019

Wheatears arrive

Wheatears arrive

Our first Wheatears of the year have arrived on the reserve. Three males and a female were on fencelines in Saltcot field around the Saltcot Merse Observatory.At least three Chiffchaffs are singing in the sunshine this morning.High Tide: 07:46 7.1mOpenin

30 March 2019

Chiffchaff singing

Chiffchaff singing

It definitely feels more like spring now, although there is still a cool breeze at times. Chiffchaffs are now singing in the Peter Scott Trail and Saltcot Loaning, birds are collecting nesting material and we are keeping a keen eye on our Osprey nest came

27 March 2019

Flowers bloom

Flowers bloom

The sun is shining, flowers are beginning to bloom and the birds are singing; it finally feels more like spring is on the way!Whooper Swan numbers have dropped below 100 today, with some feeding off the reserve still. They will only be here for another fe

23 March 2019

Tracks and Signs

Tracks and Signs

Well one good thing about all the recent rains and the accompanying mud, we get to test out our tracks and signs knowledge! The Loaning is very good at the mo for footprints in the mud which is where this one came from. Any guesses? This footprint belon

20 March 2019

Oystercatchers Prospecting

Oystercatchers Prospecting

Our nesting raft on the Folly Pond has drawn some interest from a pair of Oystercatcher, although, as in previous years, they have some competition from the Mallards. The flooded pasture is proving a real draw with mobile flocks of Golden Plover and Lapw

14 March 2019

Water, water everywhere!

Water, water everywhere!

Well Caerlaverock Wetlands are really living up to their name! Recent heavy rains have inundated the site making it perfect for waders, geese, swans and ducks. Please bear in mind that if you are visiting then wellington boots are a requirement for getti

12 March 2019