
The Ivy Buffet

The Ivy Buffet

I’m walking down the avenue to check the trees because we’ve had some bad weather – high winds and the like – when I am stopped in my tracks. Hoverfly on ivy by Marianne Nicholson There is a massive amount of buzzing coming from an ivy-covered ha

5 October 2023

Project Godwit Action Plan sets the priorities for the next decade

Project Godwit Action Plan sets the priorities for the next decade

A new action plan has been published by the RSPB, WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) and Natural England in the final year of their collaboration on Project Godwit, detailing the path to recovery over the next decade for this endangered wading bird.

3 October 2023



Another day, another butterfly transect.I only just started the survey and I was feeling deflated: days like this often feel like a waste as it’s like I’m not really able to appreciate the saltmarsh for all its awesomeness. As soon as this thought had

29 September 2023

Maybe I should become a spider expert?

Maybe I should become a spider expert?

It feels like I am noticing spider webs everywhere. They seem to be all over the place this year: cast your eyes over any vegetation and you spot them. When I have walked along the summer trail to where the pump is, they are down in the rush. Glancing at

26 September 2023

Pollutants on the merse

Pollutants on the merse

I was walking along the Lochar Water on the reserve recently and came across some routine litter for this time of year: shotgun cartridges and plastic waddings.To be clear, the wildfowlers who discard this litter are perfectly allowed to shoot along the n

20 September 2023

 Godwit Futures Project awarded £400,000 to bolster endangered waders

Godwit Futures Project awarded £400,000 to bolster endangered waders

WWT’s Godwit Futures project is among those that have today been awarded a share of an incredible £14.5m from Natural England to revive England's endangered species.

14 September 2023

Nettles and why you shouldn't hate them

Nettles and why you shouldn't hate them

The other day I was wandering down the Saltcot Loaning, a warm autumn sun on my face, a gentle breeze in my hair. There were butterflies flitting all around and birds singing in the trees. And there were lots of nettles.Firstly I noticed that the speckled

7 September 2023

Flock Together visit WWT Arundel

Flock Together visit WWT Arundel

Birdwatching and nature collective Flock Together visited WWT Arundel Wetland Centre in West Sussex on Sunday 3 September for a field trip which took place under bright blue skies and late summer sunshine.

5 September 2023

Wetlands at risk – Government backslides on promise to protect nature through plans to remove vital anti-pollution law

Wetlands at risk – Government backslides on promise to protect nature through plans to remove vital anti-pollution law

WWT is deeply concerned by this week’s announcement that the government plans to scrap nutrient neutrality legislation designed to protect our most vulnerable rivers, streams and lakes from extra sewage and other pollution from new homes.

1 September 2023

Folly Pond Finds

Folly Pond Finds

Sunday afternoon. Warm but breezy. I have been sat inside all day, working away at my desk, waiting for the moment when I am able to head outside. It comes about three o’clock. It’s been quiet all morning and I’ve finished all the jobs I had on my

31 August 2023

Me, a birder?

Me, a birder?

I am the first to admit that I am not a big birder. I like birds. I’ve got bird feeders in my garden. But that’s about as far as it goes. I’ve got a cruddy old pair of binos that belonged to a long dead relative and mostly use them to frown at birds

28 August 2023

Isaac Fledges the Nest

Isaac Fledges the Nest

When applying for my placement at WWT, I was instantly drawn to Caerlaverock. It held the possibility for many new experiences. Being in a new country, living on a nature reserve, learning about a unique habitat and meeting new people with a shared love o

26 August 2023

Lunchtime wonderings

Lunchtime wonderings

I’m out on the merse carrying out a butterfly transect.It requires a long, long walk out on the saltmarsh, counting every butterfly I see. Often there are only about seven in total so it makes for a boring morning a lot of the time. It’s going well, I

24 August 2023

Reserve Roundup

Reserve Roundup

An exciting week where we got lots done and said goodbye to one of our placement students. Tuesday saw the volunteers tackle the rush in the paddocks. Jake and Isaac had pre-cut the vegetation in the paddocks so that the volunteers could rake up all the p

22 August 2023

Recent Sightings - 20th August

Recent Sightings - 20th August

Where to start with this last week's sightings? A good place would probably be the red necked phalarope that graced us with its presence on Saturday afternoon (possibly brought in with the strong wind) and was still hanging around on the whooper pond on S

20 August 2023