Sightings - Arundel

Toadlets emerge & club-tailed dragonfly spotted

Toadlets emerge & club-tailed dragonfly spotted

Toadlets emerged from the ponds to leave the reserve in the damp of Thursday morning Sightings week of June 11-17 Monday 11 June Sand Martin hide: Male pintail ducks, tufted duck and gadwall. Tues 12 June Arun Riverli

18 June 2018

Major haul on Moth Morning

Major haul on Moth Morning

Casing from a newly emerged southern hawker dragonfly found at the raised pond. Nature notes with Reserve Manager Paul Stevens: Raised Pond has burgundy flowers of spiked water milfoil breaking the water’s surface.

12 June 2018

Oystercatchers nesting again

Oystercatchers nesting again

Oystercatchers are nesting in the Tundra exhibit and are trying again at the Sand Martin hide Nature notes with Reserve Manager Paul Stevens: A pair of oystercatchers at Sand Martin hide, on the gravel island to the l

4 June 2018

Kingfisher sightings increase

Kingfisher sightings increase

Black-headed gull chicks have hatched out on the gravel island of Arun Riverlife lagoon. Kingfisher sightings are on the increase again, partuicularly at the Scrape hide and on Wetlands Discovery boat safari. Pochard

21 May 2018

Lapwing chicks hatch out

Lapwing chicks hatch out

One of the three lapwing chicks recently hatched out opposite the Ramsar hide. Nature notes with Reserve Manager Paul Stevens: Sunny weather with a bit of rain has spurred on the spring wild flowers. Yellow flag iris

14 May 2018

Oystercatchers nest on Arun Riverlife

Oystercatchers nest on Arun Riverlife

An oystercatcher pair are nesting on the gravel island directly opposite the viewing windows of the Water's Edge Cafe. Wildlife notes: A lone sand martin spent a few hours Sunday morning checking out the nesting holes

7 May 2018

Bat survey proves Nathusius'pipistrelles onsite

Bat survey proves Nathusius'pipistrelles onsite

A soprano pipistrelle and a Nathusius'pipistrelle from Thursday's harp trap. Photo: Paul Stevens Martyn Cook from Sussex Bat Group putting up the Harp Trap last Thursday evening.

30 April 2018

Bounty of butterflies, flowers & songbirds

Bounty of butterflies, flowers & songbirds

Female brimstone butterfly just laid a small green egg on buckthorn, their food plant.  Photo: Paul Stevens A week of warmer weather has brought out more butterflies, bees and blooms around the wetlands. Breeding Bir

23 April 2018

Warblers bring life to the reedbeds

Warblers bring life to the reedbeds

Lapwing on nest from the Lapwing hide     Photo: Andy Burns Monday morning sightings Arun Riverlife Lagoon: 4 pairs Med gulls mating and nesting Black headed gulls Singing chiff chaff A pair of lapwing   Tra

16 April 2018

Reed buntings, sedge warblers & Cetti's warblers

Reed buntings, sedge warblers & Cetti's warblers

Chiff chaff in the catkins     Photo: Romney Turner Summary: Good numbers of gadwall, tufted duck on the water and a few teal & shoveler. Pairs of lapwings nesting on wet grasslands. Two pairs of oystercatcher

9 April 2018

Nesting lapwing pair a sign of Spring

Nesting lapwing pair a sign of Spring

Lapwing in flight over wet grassland at Lapwing hide. By Ken Turner Recent sightings On Wetlands Discovery Barn Owl in large owl box on pole in Wetland Discovery (6.30 am) Fewer owl pellets in the hides Kingfisher Wa

27 March 2018

A snow-stalled spring is back in full swing

A snow-stalled spring is back in full swing

  Long tailed tit with nesting material by Romney Turner Long-tailed tit nest under construction, made from moss and spiderwebs covered in lichen.   Last weeks snow fall slo

22 March 2018

Cacophony of spring singing

Cacophony of spring singing

Long tailed tit hangs around for handy seed snack. Photo: Romney Turner   Recent Sightings Sunday Buzzards displaying on Offham Hangar: they fly high then fold wings and plummet then fly up again. The male chased

12 March 2018

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Singing, displaying & nest scraping start

Treecreeper sightings have increased in the wooded areas. Photo: Romney Turner March 1, 2018 The lapwing males are doing display flights over the Wet Grasslands area. Three sets of lapwing pairs seen on the wet grassl

6 March 2018

Dunlin drops in

Dunlin drops in

Dunlin dropped into Arundel Wetland Centre on Thurs 1 March. The cold weather brought a Dunlin to Arundel Wetland Centre. It was feeding right in front of the gallery windows. The dunlin is an unusual visitor to Arund

2 March 2018