
Wetlands' future is

Wetlands' future is "non-negotiable"

“Healthy wetlands are non-negotiable for life as we know it and if you take them – and the biodiversity they support – out of the equation the whole edifice crumbles”.That’s the stark message given by WWT and five fellow NGOs to an international

26 June 2019

Warning bell sounds for threatened wetlands worldwide

Warning bell sounds for threatened wetlands worldwide

A specially commissioned art piece for WWT Llanelli signals a warning for nature.

25 June 2019

Why the once common European eel is now Critically Endangered (and what can be done about it)

Why the once common European eel is now Critically Endangered (and what can be done about it)

Author and marine biologist Helen Scales explores the plight of the European eel, once so numerous but now critically endangered. WWT conservationists have come up with a few solutions to give eels a helping hand

14 June 2019

The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

Do you want politicians to do more to tackle environmental issues like climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution?

11 June 2019

Endangered ducklings hatch at Arundel Wetland Centre

Endangered ducklings hatch at Arundel Wetland Centre

The first scaly-sided merganser ducklings ever hatched at any Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) arrived at Arundel mid-May 2019 and are thriving.

7 June 2019

Bird on the brink receives boost after bumper baby arrival

Bird on the brink receives boost after bumper baby arrival

Endangered curlews in lowland England have been handed a lifeline after dozens of rescued eggs hatched at WWT Slimbridge.

7 June 2019

Expanded Blue Belt welcomed - But Governments must champion its protection

Expanded Blue Belt welcomed - But Governments must champion its protection

WWT and 10 other environmental organisations are welcoming an announcement by Defra today of 41 new Marine Conservation Zones.

31 May 2019

Spotlight on: the European otter (and how to see them in the wild)

Spotlight on: the European otter (and how to see them in the wild)

Otters are secretive, fascinating and adorable creatures, but why do we never see them? Find out more about otters, where otters live in the UK and what to do for the best chance of seeing them in the wild.

24 May 2019

The chips are down! Miracle birds hatched from ‘muddy potato’ eggs return thousands of miles to rearing site

The chips are down! Miracle birds hatched from ‘muddy potato’ eggs return thousands of miles to rearing site

Rare black-tailed godwits hand-reared at WWT Welney after their eggs were freed from muddy farmland have flown thousands of miles home for summer.

23 May 2019

Water voles vs. rats: how to tell the difference

Water voles vs. rats: how to tell the difference

Have you ever seen a small furry body swimming along, and not been sure if it's a water vole or a rat? This quick guide highlights the key differences between the species.

22 May 2019

How different birds build their nests and rear their young

How different birds build their nests and rear their young

A guide to how the different groups of bird species make their nests in wetlands, what their chicks and eggs look like, and the parenting challenges they face. Each group has different adaptations to give their young the best chance.

10 May 2019

The facts about biodiversity loss:  6 key insights from the 2019 UN IPBES report

The facts about biodiversity loss: 6 key insights from the 2019 UN IPBES report

In a comprehensive and shocking global report, the IPBES have published landmark findings that show biodiversity in wetlands and other habitats around the world is in freefall. We examine what the report tells us, and what can be done.

7 May 2019

Slough residents turn animal detectives to save local stream

Slough residents turn animal detectives to save local stream

Local volunteers from Slough have been trained to identify river-residents to monitor pollution in the Salt Hill Stream by WWT experts.

16 April 2019

10 ways to add water to your garden that wildlife will love

10 ways to add water to your garden that wildlife will love

When it comes to supporting nature, wildlife gardens are a good place to start. By creating ponds and wetland areas in our gardens - no matter how small – you'll attract wildlife like dragonflies, amphibians and birds.

16 April 2019

Our Planet - a wildlife series with a difference?

Our Planet - a wildlife series with a difference?

Biodiversity loss has long been the poor cousin of climate change. Does the launch of Our Planet, a new flagship wildlife series by Netflix, succeed in highlighting the problem?

2 April 2019