
Welney sightings - 12/04/2024

Welney sightings - 12/04/2024

Sightings for Friday 12th April 2024

12 April 2024

Welney sighting - 11/04/2024

Welney sighting - 11/04/2024

Access available from Main Observatory to Lyle Hide, wellies to Friends Hide. Reedbed and Basement Hide closed.

11 April 2024

Welney sightings - 10/04/2024

Welney sightings - 10/04/2024

Reedbed Hide and Friends Hide closed

10 April 2024

Welney Sightings - 09/04/2024

Welney Sightings - 09/04/2024

Reedbed and Friends Hides closed due to an increase in water levels but other hides are open with wellies and scooters. Pond dipping is also currently unavailable for the same reason. Children will need to wear wellies for the Bing Trail since there is some water at some of the prompts/ activities.

9 April 2024

Welney sightings - 08/04/2024

Welney sightings - 08/04/2024

All hides apart from Reedbed hide are open, Pond dipping stations and Basement Hide closed due to flooding

8 April 2024

Welney Sightings - 07/04/2024

Welney Sightings - 07/04/2024

07/04/24 - Warm and sunny weather despite strong winds, all hides except Reedbed open, x6 Garganey seen at Nelson-Lyle Hide.

7 April 2024

Welney sightings - 06/04/2024

Welney sightings - 06/04/2024

Three Garganey seen at Nelson Lyle hide

6 April 2024

Welney sightings - 05/04/2024

Welney sightings - 05/04/2024

Sightings for Friday 5th April 2024

5 April 2024

Welney sightings - 04/04/2024

Welney sightings - 04/04/2024

All hides are open apart from Reedbed Hide

4 April 2024

Welney sightings - 03/04/2024

Welney sightings - 03/04/2024

03/04/24: Garganey sighted on Lady Fen and spectacular flocks of Black-Tailed Godwit are visible from Main Observatory!

3 April 2024

Welney Sightings 2/4/24

Welney Sightings 2/4/24

A lovely bright (starting to feel like summer)day for visiting us at WWT Welney

2 April 2024

Welney Sightings - 01/04/2024

Welney Sightings - 01/04/2024

01/04/24: All of our hides are open today except Reedbed, the weather is cloudy with a chance of rain later on.

1 April 2024

Welney Sightings - 31/03/2024

Welney Sightings - 31/03/2024

All hides are open with the exception of Reedbed Hide.

31 March 2024

Welney sightings - 30/03/2024

Welney sightings - 30/03/2024

All hides apart from Reedbed hide are open

30 March 2024

Welney sightings - 29/03/2024

Welney sightings - 29/03/2024

Sightings for Friday 29th March 2024

29 March 2024