
Two Spoonbills

Two Spoonbills

A foggy morning prevented us from seeing much to report but after it cleared a few species were noted.Two Spoonbills were on the Tack Piece through the afternoon.At least 12 Bewick's Swans remain on site, further departures of 28 last night.Two Whooper Sw

6 March 2024

First Sand Martins of 2024 on 4th March and 5 March sightings

First Sand Martins of 2024 on 4th March and 5 March sightings

Yesterday afternoon, at approx 1620hrs a trio of Sand Martins flew low through the Rushy heading NE, as is often the case they didn't stop and were seen a little later at Frampton on Severn where they went to roost. The crossover period as the first Sprin

5 March 2024

Late winter sunshine

Late winter sunshine

A cold night led to much ice on the shallower ponds however it thawed rapidly, after yesterday mornings covering of snow it really highlighted that winter isn't yet quite done. Highlights today included the following.Top New Piece from Zeiss HideFifty Avo

3 March 2024

Climate change setback for our Kingfishers

Climate change setback for our Kingfishers

The warm late winter weather triggered our earliest ever Kingfisher breeding activity with a pair excavating and seemingly on the verge of laying eggs, however the wet weather continued, with the now very familiar days and nights of torrential rain. The w

28 February 2024

Otter family at the South Finger again

Otter family at the South Finger again

We record regular 'Trailcam' footage of the resident Otter family as they use the reserve, the mother expertly guides the two cubs about the reserve to fish our wetland habitats. The most reliable area to find them is at the South Finger, they have shown

26 February 2024

Bewick's Swans count down to 65

Bewick's Swans count down to 65

Further departures of our wintering birds noted, including our Bewick's Swans, only 65 were on site today along with two Whooper Swans.Sightings today include the following.Tack PieceSingle Spotted Redshank, 38 Redshank and 12 Ruff along the scrape edge.

25 February 2024

Egret roost count

Egret roost count

The increasing UK population of egrets is very welcome, a group of birds that are doing well. We've seen a rise in numbers of these beautiful birds and host firmly established winter roost site for them. The roost moves about the site so it can be tricky

21 February 2024

Further departures, very few Lapwing left

Further departures, very few Lapwing left

In just two short weeks we've seen our Lapwing flock drop from 2600+ to a few hundred, the Tack Piece is typically carpeted with them but we seem to be shifting to to last of the wintering birds and those that remain to breed on the reserve. It won't be t

19 February 2024

Large scale departures of waders and ducks

Large scale departures of waders and ducks

Since the end of January we have noticed peak counts dropping but this last week has seen a large scale reduction in Lapwing, Golden Plover, Teal and Pintail. The reserve is still very busy as we see return passage birds appearing to stopover, perhaps bes

18 February 2024

Soggy day birding, dry in the hides.

Soggy day birding, dry in the hides.

Definitely a day to spend using the hides, the weather wasn't too helpful today but the birds are enjoying it. Image of Pill Box Pool and the Long Ground Pool.Estuary TowerPink Footed Goose, Ross Goose, Snow Goose all on the Dumbles with Barnacle and Can

14 February 2024

Catch the Tide Part Two- Spoonbill

Catch the Tide Part Two- Spoonbill

Catch the Tide Part TwoThe weather wasn't as kind as yesterday and the tide flooded over half of the Dumbles, it was still a good day to catch up with the wintering birds in the area as they all ended up here. Yay, Spoonbill!The first Spoonbill sighting o

13 February 2024

Catch the Tide Part One

Catch the Tide Part One

Catch the TideWe were rewarded with a really good tide this morning, the surge came over and flooded the Dumbles, the birding was brilliant in the winter sunshine. Another chance tomorrow.Estuary Tower25+ Skylark, 3+ Meadow Pipit, 2 Goldfinch, Redwing, ju

12 February 2024

Feb WeBS

Feb WeBS

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) Count for Sunday 11 February 202412 Cormorant, 13 Little Egret (missed the early roost), 2 Great Egret, 10 Cattle Egret, 4 Grey Heron, 7 Crane, 143 Mute Swan, 2 Whooper Swan (one on Tack Piece and one Rushy, latter remained all

11 February 2024

Water levels back up after the rains

Water levels back up after the rains

The water levels have returned to peak height following some very heavy rainfall but is of course providing the perfect conditions for feeding wildfowl and waders. Estuary TowerThe juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Goose was on the Dumbles saltmarsh with the Ba

8 February 2024

Otters and Goshawk

Otters and Goshawk

The Otter family were again seen down at the South Finger today, the channel that we de-silted a couple of years back has been a popular fishing ground for them this winter. A male Goshawk was seen this morning from the South Finger hides, it's likely to

7 February 2024