


Our duck species have been productive this summer, despite heavy predation at times, areas busier with ducks and the spots with much emergent vegetation have seen the young grow to a defensible size. Our section of the Severn has at least six broods of Sh

9 July 2024

Much needed rain

Much needed rain

At last! We've finally had some decent rainfall to top up the scrapes and ditches, multiple weeks with light or no rainfall led to rapidly lowering water levels on a few scrapes that we want to keep wet. This is somewhat hard to believe after such a wet

7 July 2024

Five Ruff have returned

Five Ruff have returned

At least five different breeding plumage male Ruff have now returned to the scrapes although they are in moult. Like most of the freshwater loving waders here they are feeding in a few places but spending most of the time between Top New Piece and the Sou

4 July 2024

End of June/early July arrivals

End of June/early July arrivals

Image- juvenile Redshank (can be mistaken for other wader species at this time of year)1 July sightingsSouth LakeThree 3 breeding plumage male Ruff (black, blonde and white), two Little-ringed Plover, Kingfisher passing the hide regularly with fish, 99 Bl

1 July 2024

Summer waders

Summer waders

Summer WadersThe majority of the waders on site are forming post breeding flocks, the exception being Avocet with many broods at the Rushy/Tack Piece and a few at South Lake. Even the Avocets are forming post-breeding flocks, around70-80 have been heading

27 June 2024

Catch it while you can

Catch it while you can

Image- Sedge Warbler- MJM'Showy' males continue to sing at the Sanderson bridge near Discovery Hide and in the Matrix.White-spotted Bluethroat- Catch it while you can.Based on previous years experience, there might only be a week or two to catch a reliabl

24 June 2024

Post breeding dispersals

Post breeding dispersals

This week has seen a few significant counts or sightings of birds that are now dispersing after breeding or have sadly failed. Lapwing, Teal and Curlew numbers have increased and a few more Green Sandpipers arrived, at least seven counted together yesterd

20 June 2024

June showers and squalls

June showers and squalls

Picture - Dark clouds over the river

15 June 2024

Avocets hatching

Avocets hatching

Avocet attacking a Mallard and duckling, South Lake - M.J.McGill.The breeding Avocets have had rather a torrid time this Spring, predation has been heavy from Carrion Crows and Herring Gulls in particular but two colonies managed to establish at typically

13 June 2024

First brood of Shoveler for the year

First brood of Shoveler for the year

Martin Smith HideOur first Northern Shoveler brood appeared on the Tack Piece today, at least seven ducklings accompanied their mother, the habitat overlooked by the Martin Smith Hide is often favoured by the scarce breeding species. Two Kingfishers have

11 June 2024

Crane families all doing well and Sunday 9 June WeBS count

Crane families all doing well and Sunday 9 June WeBS count

Crane updateFive breeding pairs nested on site this Spring with another non-breeding pair also resident and early season at least we had a few visits from young birds and pairs from off site. Four pairs hatched seven young, at the time of posting all seve

10 June 2024

Avocets and Tufted Ducks hatch chicks

Avocets and Tufted Ducks hatch chicks

It's been a very tough early season for Avocets on the reserve, perhaps five attempts by the two main colonies to get going, heavy predation of 100s of eggs by Carrion Crows has caused complete abandonment until they finally managed to establish themselve

6 June 2024

A few late migrants

A few late migrants

Image- Green Sandpiper- MJMThe weather no doubt played a part in the appearance of late migrating waders today, a female Ruff (reeve) was seen on the Tack Piece paleochannel, viewed from the Summer Walkway. Four Ringed Plover arrived on South Lake and a s

4 June 2024

A day for Cuckoos

A day for Cuckoos

Image - A Speckled Wood butterfly

3 June 2024

26th of May sightings

26th of May sightings

The rain held off for the majority of today, much better than the stormy predicated forecast. Lots of lovely things to see around the reserve. South Lake Today on the South Lake there were 17 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 male Teal, 86 Avocet, a Mute Swan f

26 May 2024