
Wildlife sightings - 26/06/18

Wildlife sightings - 26/06/18

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Kestrel 3 Curlew 1 Redshank 5 Avocet 42 Shelduck 4 Black-headed gull 10 Little-ringed plover 2 Grey heron 21 Common tern 52 Saline Lagoon Oystercatcher 1 Canada goose 1 Hawthorn Wood Great tit 8 Blue tit 4 Dunnock 1 Goldfin

26 June 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan + 2 cygnets Greylag Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Tufted duck Coot Moorhen Great egret Little egret Black-tailed godwit Redshank Avocet Little ringed plover Common tern Black headed gull Lesser black-backed gull Starling House m

26 June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th June 2018

1 Green Sandpiper - wader scrape 1 Kingfisher - wildside 3 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon, main lake 1 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 15+ Swift - main lake   May/June bird highlights: Temminck’s Stint, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper,

26 June 2018

24-26 June sightings

24-26 June sightings

Returning waders are appearing on the scrapes, some in stunning breeding plumage. A single Greenshank has been favouring the Dumbles scrape and Tack Piece scrape, a smashing Spotted Redshank was see yesterday (25th) on the Top New Piece and two male Ruff

26 June 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th June

Reserve Update Tuesday 26th June

Nice views of snipe and lapwing feeding along the muddy edges of the Folly Pond this morning. There is plenty of mud for them to chose from with the continuing hot weather and this could also draw in some other waders for a visit.  The Swallows in the Te

26 June 2018

The UK's lovely lizards

The UK's lovely lizards

You can find three species of lizard in the wild in the UK. Each is really amazing in its own way. Common lizard Like all reptiles, common lizards lay eggs. But these hatch inside mum’s body so she appears to give birth to live young! Common lizards a

25 June 2018

Join us for a summer of wetland adventures!

Join us for a summer of wetland adventures!

Dusty's Wildlife Rangers, Sun 1 July - Fri 31 August This is your chance to become a Wildlife Ranger. There are lots of exciting challenges waiting for you, from bug hunting to bird-feeding. You’re sure to have a quacking time! A great place to start y

25 June 2018

Reedbed hide reopens, partial closing of Scrape hide for nesting swallows

Reedbed hide reopens, partial closing of Scrape hide for nesting swallows

Four beaks visible in the swallow nest in the Scrape hide. Thanks for your understanding as we had to close off that section of the hide. Nature Notes by Reserve Manager Paul Stevens Staff members saw barn owl at 7 pm

25 June 2018

Recent Sightings €- 25th June 2018

Recent Sightings €- 25th June 2018

The following sightings were recorded today at Mid- High tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. There are some Tufted duck families out on our lagoons currently. Keep an eye out for the cute black fluffy ducklings following their mother on the Freshwater

25 June 2018

Wildlife sightings - 25/06/2018

Wildlife sightings - 25/06/2018

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Kestrel 3 juvenile Avocet 35 Grey heron 14 Little-ringed plover 2 Lapwing 5 Pied wagtail 2 Black-headed gull 11 Shelduck 7 Saline Lagoon Grey heron 2 Oystercatcher 1 Canda goose 1 Hawthorn Wood Willow tit 2 Coal tit 1 Grea

25 June 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Shelduck Wigeon Shoveler Gadwall Mallard Tufted duck Teal Coot Moorhen Little egret Great white egret Grey heron Redshank Black tailed godwit Green sandpiper Avocet + chicks Lapwing Little ringed plover Black headed gull Les

25 June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 25th June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 25th June 2018

7 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon, main lake 4 Gadwall ducklings - reservoir lagoon 1 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 1 Buzzard - circling high to the N 1 Little Egret - grazing marsh   May/June bird highlights: Temminck’s Stint, Jack Snipe, Green San

25 June 2018

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby tailed wasp by Kim Tarsey There are some real jewels to be found on the reserve at the moment including these ruby-tailed wasps. They aren't the largest wasp at only 1cm long but they make up for that with their

24 June 2018

Wildlife sightings - 24/06/2018

Wildlife sightings - 24/06/2018

a.m. Tide: low Wader Lake Avocet 35 + 3 chicks Little ringed plover 2 Common tern 130 + 40 chicks Kestrel 2 juveniles Grey heron 2 adults + 15 juveniles Stock dove 1 Redshank 11 Lapwing 5 Shoveler 2 (pair) Pied wagtail 1 Black headed gull 30 Saline Lagoon

24 June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 24th June 2018

Wildlife sightings for 24th June 2018

5 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon, main lake 2 Teal - main lake 7 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 1 Redshank - wader scrape   May/June bird highlights: Temminck’s Stint, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Redshank, Greenshank, Oystercatche

24 June 2018