
Bitterns in the reed fringes of the main lake

Bitterns in the reed fringes of the main lake

  2 Bittern - main lake N shore (Headley and Dulverton Hides) 1 Jack Snipe - scrape 1 Water Pipit - marsh, scrape 1 Redpoll - south route Birches p.m. 10 Redwing - entrance area 6 Fieldfare - entrance area 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 4 Pintail -

3 January 2019



Happy New Year to all our readers! A summary of recent days sightings, a Great White Egret was seen again on New Years Day from Ron Barker Hide. Up to 3 Little Egrets can be seen around the reserve most days. Barn Owls have been showing well at times fr

2 January 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Barnacle goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Ringed teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Little egret Black-tailed godwit Redshank Snipe Lapwing Golden p

2 January 2019

Wildlife sightings - 02/01/19

Wildlife sightings - 02/01/19

Wader Lake (AM, low tide): Shelduck 7 Teal 26 Water rail (Paddy Fleming Hide) 1 Lapwing 65 Black-headed gull 13 Snipe 2   Saline lagoon (AM, low tide): Grey heron 1 Curlew 1 Snipe 1   Hawthorn Wood feeding station: Great-spotted woodpecker 3 Bra

2 January 2019

7 Pintail displaying on the main lake

7 Pintail displaying on the main lake

2 Bittern - main lake N shore 1 Water Pipit - marsh 13 Redwing - entrance area 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 7 Pintail - main lake 8 Snipe - scrape(5), main lake(2), marsh(1). The group on the scrape flew in high from the NW a.m.   December bird hi

2 January 2019

Goshawk flyby

Goshawk flyby

Overview A busy day for birds and people. Huge flocks of Wigeon, Lapwing and Golden Plover dominated from most hides With Curlew, Dunlin, Redshank and at least 21 Ruff among them. At least 11 Cranes on site and the usual pair of Peregrine and several buz

1 January 2019

7 Song Thrushes in full song this morning

7 Song Thrushes in full song this morning

  Song Thrush by Russ Myners   3 Bittern - main lake (west, north and east shores) 1 Jack Snipe - scrape 71 Lapwing - main lake 7 Song Thrush - singing from sheltered lagoon, south route, entrance lake, wild

1 January 2019

Wildlife sightings - 01/01/19

Wildlife sightings - 01/01/19

Wader Lake (AM, mid-tide): Teal 29 Shelduck 10 Black-headed gull 4 Redshank 2 Grey heron 3 Common snipe 1 Tufted duck 15 Goosander 1   Saline lagoon (AM, mid-tide): Curlew (on lagoon and meadow) 52 Redshank 1 Grey heron 1   Hawthorn Wood feeding

1 January 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Canada goose White-fronted goose Barnacle goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Teal Pochard Tufted duck Goldeneye Great crested grebe Cormorant Coot Moorhen Cranes x2 (flying overhead) White stork (escapee) Great

1 January 2019

WWT Snapshot December 2018

WWT Snapshot December 2018

Thank you to all our supporters for your time, passion and funding. Here is a snapshot of just some of the great conservation work you've helped WWT achieve in the last three months. Around the world In Madagascar, WWT and Durrell reintroduced

31 December 2018

Lots of snipe and a some lapwing

Lots of snipe and a some lapwing

Snipe tucked into the reeds in front of the Ramsar hide Photo: Richard Allan Recent sightings by WWT wardens at Arundel Wetland Centre. Dec 24 Ramsar hide: 90 snipe, 11 lapwing, 2 wigeon, 2 peregrine, and 18 pochard.

31 December 2018

End of the year

End of the year

Rushy Hide 98 Bewick's Swans present at the roost before moving out to the Tack Piece for the day. Martin Smith Hide At least three Snipe and two Water Rail skulking in or near cover. Lot's of wildfowl are moving out to this pool for the day, it offers re

31 December 2018

Recent Sightings €- 31st December 2018

Recent Sightings €- 31st December 2018

Count taken  at High-Mid tide this morning. It was a real treat on the reserve this morning to find Peregrine falcons zooming over the brickworks. Not unusual birds to see in NI but are infrequent visitors to Castle Espie. Their large size, long pointed

31 December 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick's swan Greylag goose Canada goose White-fronted goose x5 Shelduck Mallard Pochard Gadwall Tufted duck Pintail Ringed teal Moorhen Cormorant White stork (escapee) Great egret Little egret Black-tailed godwit Dunlin x13 Lapwing

31 December 2018

Reserve Update Monday 31st December

Reserve Update Monday 31st December

Usual suspects around this morning, waders in the fields, ducks on the ponds and Yellowhammers in the hedgerow!  Hen Harriers were around yesterday with two male birds observed foraging over the outer merses.  Tomorrow we will be holding our annual New

31 December 2018