
Sightings Sunday 26th November

Sightings Sunday 26th November

Bright and Sunny start to the day, all hides are open including Summer walk. Sightings so far today: Whooper swan Mute swan Pink-footed goose Gadwall Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Teal Wigeon Little egret Black-tailed godwit Curlew Dunlin Little stint

26 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 26th November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 26th November 2017

1 Bittern - main lake SE corner a.m., then flew across the lake to the N shore 12 Snipe - flew up from marsh p.m. 34 Fieldfare - sheltered lagoon, some flew W towards wildside 1 Water Pipit - main lake island near WWF hide, flew on to the marsh 2 Bramblin

26 November 2017

Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

It was only a matter of time before a Green-winged Teal turned up with Eurasian Teal. Although there is no science to back this statement up, we think that if you get over 3000 Teal then there is a good chance of the Green-winged Teal being present, based

25 November 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Bewick swan Greylag Pink-footed goose Canada goose Shelduck Mallard Shoveler Wigeon Teal Pochard Pintail Crane (x2, in flight) Grey heron Moorhen Coot Black-tailed godwit Redshank Curlew Dunlin Snipe Golden plover Lapwing Cormorant

25 November 2017

Clear Skies more Bewicks

Clear Skies more Bewicks

Bewick's swans Rushy After a clear calm night 5 more Bewicks were on the Rushy this morning bringing the total to 9. Pintail Pochard and 200 Teal all looking great and the odd redshank and a single Little Stint are sp

25 November 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 25th November

Reserve Update Saturday 25th November

Good morning for a wander....Goldcrest, Fieldfare, Redwing and Long-tailed Tits are present in the Hawthorns down the Avenue.  Due to their presence there was also a female Sparrowhawk perched up in one of the Sycamore trees first thing.  The Water Rail

25 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th November 2017

1 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 1 Pintail - grazing marsh 3 Water Rail - main lake, grazing marsh 4 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 4 Fieldfare - flew over heading West 1 Peregrine 1 Siskin October/early November bird highlights: Common Sandpiper

25 November 2017

Wildlife sightings 24/11/17

Wildlife sightings 24/11/17

a.m. high tide Wader Lake - 80% frozen Teal 2 Lapwing 20 Saline lagoon - 100% frozen Hawthorn Wood Willow tit Coal tit 2 GS woodpecker Dunnock 2 Great tit 6 Blue tit 4 Chaffinch 6 Other birds Kingfisher - gully Meadow pipit 2 - stream channel Tufted duck

24 November 2017

We are back...

We are back...

After a few computer problems we are back with some bird news! It's looking fantastic at the moment but wrap up warm! As of late the reserve is packed with ducks, geese and swans with new arrivals everyday. Over 1000+

24 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swans Bewick's swan Wigeon Pochard Pintail Teal Tufted duck Marsh harrier Peregrine Sparrowhawk Buzzard Great white egret-Lady Fen Little egret Lapwing Golden plover Redshank Moorhen Snipe Black-tailed godwit Cormorant Pink-footed geese Tree sparr

24 November 2017

Sightings Friday 24th

Sightings Friday 24th

With the weather still mild we are awaiting the return of more wintering birds, although Golden Plover and White Fronted Goose numbers are climbing steadily. The tack Piece is currently filling up with water and it is becoming popular with the grazers and

24 November 2017

Recent Sightings (22nd-24th Nov)

Recent Sightings (22nd-24th Nov)

British Steel Hide A 1st winter Spoonbill was seen on the saline lagoons on the 24th as well as a Water Pipit. Waders have included 107 Lapwing, 24 Redshank, 6 Greenshank, 1 Spotted Redshank, 1 Snipe and 1 Dunlin. Wildfowl have included 2 Shelduck, 26 W

24 November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th November 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th November 2017

1 Bittern - main lake N shore 1 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 2 Pintail - grazing marsh 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 24 Greylag Goose  - reservoir lagoon, grazing marsh 1 Water Rail - grazing marsh 7 Snipe - wader scrape, main lake, grazing marsh 2 Ston

24 November 2017

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Redpoll, Water Rail & Bullfinch

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Redpoll, Water Rail & Bullfinch

It's a crisp and sunny morning on the reserve. Two Lesser Redpoll are feeding on Alders in the Peter Scott Trail. Also a Water Rail is under the feeders there and two male Bullfinches in the Avenue. Named Whooper Swan arrivals: YHS - Solway Siren ZHP - An

24 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Great white egret being chased by Grey heron Marsh harrier-M + F Buzzard Peregrine Kestrel Redshank Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Cormorant Shoveler Teal Wigeon Pintail Gadwall Pochard Dunlin Ruff Snipe Golden plover Little egret Curlew Coot Starling Tree s

23 November 2017