
Wildlife sightings for 28th February 2018

Wildlife sightings for 28th February 2018

1 Golden Plover - flew S 1 Woodcock - flew up from by the Lodge in world wetlands 1 Bittern - middle reedbed channel 8 Pintail - main lake, reservoir lagoon 12 Linnet - flew over heading N 3 Redpoll - South route 8 Siskin - South route 6 Redwing - shelte

28 February 2018

Recent Sightings (24th-27th Feb)

Recent Sightings (24th-27th Feb)

British Steel Hide Highlights from the British Steel Hide include 2 Spoonbills (27th), a Great White Egret (25th), a Spotted Redshank (25th) and a 2nd winter Yellow-legged Gull roosted on the lagoons on the 26th. Flocks of Black-tailed Godwits, Lapwing a

27 February 2018

Wildlife sightings - 27/02/18

Wildlife sightings - 27/02/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Black-headed gull 180 Lapwing 5 Wigeon 5 Common snipe 7 Eurasian teal 20 Shelduck 8 Redshank 1 Grey heron 6 Canada geese 32 Saline Lagoon Redshank 1 Hawthorn Wood Nuthatch 1 Bullfinch 18 Coal tit 1 Chaffinch 10 Great tit 6

27 February 2018

Sightings Tuesday 27th February

Sightings Tuesday 27th February

Cold start to the day here at Welney with snow showers and sunny periods. All hides are open. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Goldeneye Mallard Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Coot Moorhen Cormorant Black-tailed go

27 February 2018

Wildlife though a lens! WWT launches photography competition in Slough

Wildlife though a lens! WWT launches photography competition in Slough

Slough’s budding wildlife photographers will have the chance to showcase their skills at a local photography competition launching in March. WWT, together with Slough Youth Parliament, are running the event which aims to celebrate the town’s waterw

27 February 2018

'Beast from the East' is biting

'Beast from the East' is biting

Many areas were frozen over (deep water the exception) the duck flocks managed to keep some sections open. Tack Piece 400 Wigeon, 70 Teal, 30 Pintail, 10 Shoveler and an Oystercatcher. Holden Tower The Red-breasted Goose was among 214 Barnacle Geese,

27 February 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th February 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th February 2018

1 Bittern - reedbed (channel closest to wildside hide) 1 Goldeneye - main lake 2 Shelduck - main lake 15 Redwing - sheltered lagoon 161 Cormorant - main lake 2 Stonechat - N bund of the marsh 1 Peregrine - perched Charing Cross Hospital   February 

27 February 2018

Snow Exciting!

Snow Exciting!

Not much more than a few centimetres (a bit over an inch if you are wondering) of powdery snow on the reserve this morning. The roads in were fine and the path ways around the reserve are clear thanks to the sterling work of the wardens and volunteers.

27 February 2018

Big freeze hits the Arun Valley

Big freeze hits the Arun Valley

Despite cold temps teal and other ducks are pairing up for spring   Snow clouds over Arundel Wetland Centre Recent highlights: Increase in shoveler onsite as Arun Valley fre

26 February 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Kingfisher in  the snow Water rail-in reeds below cafe Lapwing Redshank Curlew Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Pochard Teal Shoveler Pintail Wigeon Tufted duck Goldeneye Moorhen Coot Great crested grebe Fieldfare Tree sparrow Goldfinch Reed bunting Mut

26 February 2018

Glaucous Gull

Glaucous Gull

Holden Tower A second calendar year (2cy) Glaucous Gull was on the sands until 0840 when it flew upriver 124 European or Russian White-fronted Geese flew in to feed at 0850am, the Red-breasted Gosse was among the Barnacle Geese. A few Skylark were on the

26 February 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th February 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th February 2018

1 Brambling - flew W across wildside 1 Bittern - main reedbed (middle channel) 1 Caspian Gull 3rd yr - main lake, marsh 1 Goldeneye - main lake 4 Shelduck - main lake, scrape 12 Siskin - sheltered lagoon 12 Fieldfare - E bank 16 Redwing - wildside, shelt

26 February 2018

Sunny Sunday

Sunny Sunday

Drake Pintail on the Rushy Pen Russian White-fronted Geese flying in Rushy Hide and Peng Observatory Little Stint, 80 Pintail and 70+ Bewick's Swans here today (83 still on site) Tack Piece 500 Wigeon, 9 Redshank, 120 Dunlin, a few Golden Plover, up to

25 February 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Glorious sunshine but wrap up warm! A good count of 5000+ Pink-footed Geese, well worth checking through as a Bean Goose (probable Taiga) was seen locally in the past couple of days. Wildfowl counts included 408 Whooper Swan (more roosting), 519 Greylag,

25 February 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A bright sunny day here at Welney, albeit rather cold. All hides are open, although sturdy footwear/wellingtons will be needed to access the Reedbed Hide as the path remains muddy. Sightings so far: Whooper swan Mute swan Pink-footed goose Tundra bean goo

25 February 2018