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Latest Sightings

The first winter flocks of black-tailed godwit have arrived on the main mere over the past few days with a 400+ strong flock seen on Wednesday and these birds can be viewed from Discovery hide at the back of the mere. They are also joined by the ever pres

17 November 2023

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Latest Sightings

The last few days at Martin Mere have been a good one for raptors on the reserve. Six marsh harrier were seen all together circling over Vinson's from Ron Barker in addition to barn owl during the early morning and hen harrier. A female sparrowhawk was al

14 November 2023

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Latest Sightings

The ever reliant kingfisher has been showing well at Ron Barker. It's favourite spot at the moment is on the recently installed perch in the pond to the left of the hide and is best viewed from the windows downstairs.Green sandpiper has been seen over the

6 November 2023

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Latest Sightings

The two great white egrets are still on the reserve so now is a good time to come to site and see all 3 egret species. The great white egret can be seen in the wet grassland and rushes to the back of the mere.There is now a good visible diversity of duck

2 November 2023

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Latest Sightings

It has been a busy week at Martin Mere, with the highlights being the arrival of two great white egrets. These can be seen in our wet grassland and are best seen from either United Utilities hide or Ron Barker hide. The the great white egret it is now pos

30 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

A busy couple of days for raptors, with a male and female hen harrier spotted regularly from Ron Barker hide over the past week, and today. 2 female marsh harriers with wing tags have also been spotted, with ZZ ringed at Castle Marshes in Suffolk, and XH

19 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

Here are the results of our monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) completed today:44 Wigeon39 Gadwall470 Teal588 Mallard54 Pintail125 Shoveler2 Pochard12 Tufted Duck5 Mute Swan455 Whooper Swans29 Shelduck306 Greylag Geese15 Canada Geese9478 Pink Footed Geese

16 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

The swans have arrived! 404 whooper swans - along with a black swan - have come to Martin Mere, and they can be seen (and heard!) from Discovery hide and Raines observatory, along with 4,450 pink-footed geese and a wide variety of ducks, including shelduc

13 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

This weekend has been excellent for cattle egrets! Since the change in seasons, numbers have been slowly creeping up from the 5 over-summer residents, with a whopping 19 spotted on Saturday, and 22 spotted on the mere on Sunday!In other news, some swallow

9 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

This week's rains have been fine weather for ducks, with small groups of widgeon, shelduck and a single pochard spotted on the mere. The pintail have also been reaching the end of their eclipse, with some males showing their fresh breeding plumage. In ter

6 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

As we move into October with the weather being more autumnal the reserve has seen the arrivals of more migratory ducks. On the mere the first porchard was seen alongside the first arrivals of shelduck with 7 seen having arrived from moult in the Waddell S

2 October 2023

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Latest Sightings

It's been a relatively quiet few days on the reserve, as the weather becomes more autumnal. The pink footed geese have continued to arrive, albeit in fewer number than previously, as well as a few small groups of duck species on the mere. They have been s

29 September 2023

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Latest Sightings

At our longhorn cattle's new home behind Tomlinson Hide, 9 cattle egrets have been spotted. Little egrets have also been spotted near Hale Hide, along with some green sandpipers.

25 September 2023

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Latest Sightings

Pink-footed geese are still arriving in good numbers with large flocks feeding on the reserve. They can be seen from Ron Barker, feeding on Sunley's and Lord's Mere, or from United Utilities feeding on Plover field.The recent heavy rain of late has meant

21 September 2023

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

The latest Wetland Bird Surveys (WeBS) was completed over the weekend. Highlights from the survey included 2700 pink footed geese across the site, as well as over 600 teal, mostly seen from Ron Barker and over 500 lapwing on the main mere.Other highlights

19 September 2023