
60 Avocet

60 Avocet

Colder than the weekend with a strong breezy and a brief shower early morning. Reports from today and the weekend.As expected a further increase of Avocet now 60 birds, mostly loafing around from the Ron Barker Hide. One colour ringed bird present was rin

18 February 2019

Avocet Influx continues

Avocet Influx continues

Another cracking day. Probably being spoilt with this weather but lets not complain! Out on the Reed Bed Walk and near the Janet Kear Hide the first Brimestone Butterflies of the year. Folklore has it that butterflies are named 'butter'-'flies' because of

15 February 2019

Hare Today

Hare Today

A chilly start off set by blue skies and sunshine throughtout the day. A dawn count of 894 Whooper Swan has been failry consistent this winter. We are approaching the stage were birds that have wintered at Welney (etc) will come back through as birds that

14 February 2019

Avocet Return

Avocet Return

The first Avocet, a pair returned today. Not the earliest date (9th Feb 2014) but one day earlier than last year. Martin Mere is one of the best places in the North West to see breeding Avocet and the numbers will continue to increase over the coming wee

12 February 2019

Signs of Spring..

Signs of Spring..

Only a brief update. No wildfowl counts although big numbers of ducks are still frequenting the reserve and will do to the end of the month.Signs of spring with this male Ruff developing into breeding plumage. A closer look at Ruff and Black-tailed Godwit

8 February 2019

Hybrid Duck?

Hybrid Duck?

A wild and windy start to Wednesday followed by blue skies and a stiff breeze.The milder conditions have brought back the big flocks of Lapwing with 1200+ birds present, sometimes in the air all at once when the Peregrine pays a visit. Also 60+ Ruff, 10 B

7 February 2019

Sunday Sighting's

Sunday Sighting's

Another frosty start to the day which ended in a on going thaw.The Mere was packed with 13 species of wildfowl with large flocks of Wigeon roosting on the ice. Nice views of Pintail in close and a few Gadwall present on the open water.Two new additions to

3 February 2019

Brambling and other birds

Brambling and other birds

A brief write up for Saturday so far. For a fuller picture see the previous few days(Our featured photograph comes from Charlie Lowe - male Brambling taken at the Janet Kear Hide feeding station.)Three Tawny Owl this morning. Half of the Mere is frozen co

2 February 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Great start to February. Always an interesting month which can produce interesting geese, cold weather movements and the first signs of spring. Starting off with some wader sightings with 3 Golden Plover seen and heard flying over the reserve this mornin

1 February 2019

Willow Tit?

Willow Tit?

The relatively windless winter condition over the past two days have made for some excellent birding around the reserve.Another good raptor day with six species recorded; Merlin, Peregrine, 2 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Three Bar

31 January 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Update from the past 3 days, windy on Sunday, calm and sunny on Monday, rain and sleet today.Sunday and Monday were the best raptor days with 2 Peregrine, 3 Marsh Harrier, 3+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Three Tawny Owl on show (ask at the in foc

29 January 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Just a brief note on Saturday's sightings including a soon to be replaced map. Watch this space!Check out a few days of the previous sighting to get a fuller picture as to what can be seen on the reserve.It should be possible to see over 60 species in a f

26 January 2019

We are back!

We are back!

We are back with a new look sightings page / wwt website that is now mobile friendly, apologies for the break whilst the technical people sorted out the change over. A full count of wildfowl from the weekend with 804 Whooper Swan and 3200 Pink-footed Gees

24 January 2019

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Bewick’s swan Mute swan Whooper swan Canada goose Greylag goose White-fronted goose Gadwall Goldeneye Mallard Pintail Pochard Teal Tufted duck Shelduck Shoveler Wigeon Cattle egret Crane Great egret Little egret Cormorant Coot Moorhen Black-tailed godwi

16 January 2019

Wildlife sightings 16/01/19

Wildlife sightings 16/01/19

a.m. mid/high tide Wader Lake Grey heron 3 Shoveler 4 male, 1 female Mute swan 2 Shelduck 9 Tufted duck Water rail (heard at Prince's Trust hide) Teal 15 Saline lagoon Teal 3 Hawthorn Wood Lesser redpoll 4 Mealy redpoll Brambling 10 Nuthatch Treecreeper G

16 January 2019